AnyROR Gujarat 2023 : 7/12 & 8A Download Copy Online.

Do you also want to harvest your land at home? Then this article will be very useful for you. Let’s get the detailed information.

The country is currently progressing in the digital age. Many services are going online in the country and in Gujarat. Online portal has been implemented in many departments under the state government. In which you can get benefit of approximately 193 services and schemes of the state on Digital Gujarat Portal. ikhedut portal has also been created for farmers. Now the state government has implemented AnyROR Gujarat 2023 keeping in mind the interest of farmers. Now farmers can get revenue records online from this portal. Land documents like, 7/12, 8-A, 6 etc. can be downloaded online. This DIGITALLY SIGNED ROR copy can be obtained from AnyRoR Anywhere Portal and iORA Portal.

Land Records Online has been created by the Revenue Department of the Government of Gujarat. The digitization system known as Gujarat e-Dhara has received appreciation from the Government of India. This online system has also received an award for e-Governance Project. An important decision has been taken by the state government for the interest of farmers. Now state farmers revenue record has been put online. Land documents like, 7/12, 8-A, 6 etc. can be downloaded. A copy of this digital sign can be obtained from AnyRoR @ Anywhere and iORA Portal.

What is 7 12 Utara & 8-A.. 7 12 Information about discharge of 8A
Details of farmers’ own land documents are included in 7/12 and 8-A slips. These extracts include information on ownership, survey number, land type, crop information, land area etc. Through this important record one can get information about planting new crops in the land. It can also be known if farmers have taken crop loans. And crop credit loans can also be availed.

Online Digitally Signed 7/12 Download. 7/12 8a Gujarat online
An important document for land in the state of Gujarat is a copy of Village Sample No. 6, 7/12 Utra, 8-A. These extracts can be obtained from e-Dhara centers of the taluka and e-village level. But digitally signed copy by Sarkarshri can also be downloaded online. These downloads will include e-Sign and e-Seal. All uses of such copy shall be deemed authentic. Can be obtained online from Anyror Gujarat or i-ORA portal. A QR Code will be included on this plot of land, its authenticity can be checked by any person or organization from any place. Farmers have to pay online fee for this copy.

Highlight Point Of AnyROR Gujarat 2023

આર્ટિકલનો વિષયAnyROR Gujarat 2023 @anyror@anywhere
ભાષાગુજરાતી અને અંગ્રેજી
સેવાનો ઉદ્દેશગુજરાતના ખેડૂતો પોતાની જમીનના 6, 7/12અને ૮-અ ઘરે બેઠા ઓનલાઈન કાઢી શકશે.
લાભાર્થીગુજરાતના તમામ ખેડૂતો
કેટલી ફી ભરવાની હોય છે?જમીનના ઉતારા દીઠ રૂપિયા 5/- (પાંચ રૂપિયા)
જમીનની નકલ માટે કેવી રીતે ફી ભરવાની હોય છે?ઓનલાઈન પદ્ધિતી દ્વારા ભરવાની હોય છે.
Official Website AnyRoRAny Ror @Anywhere
Official Website i-ORAi-ORA Website
Any land records can be viewed online from Any RoR Gujarat.
Land records of rural areas and land records of urban areas can be viewed from the official website of Anyror @Anywhere. The information of which is as follows.

Records for rural areas
Farmers or householders who own land in rural areas can view online. For which one has to go to the official website of the revenue department. Following is the information about which land records of rural areas can be viewed online.

Details of Old Scanned Village No- 7/12)
(Details of Old Scanned Title Deed Village No-6)
VF-7 Survey No Details
(Details of GA-8A)
VF-6 Entry Detail
135-D Notice for Mutation
New Survey No From Old For Promulgated Village
Entry List By Month Year
Integrated Survey No Detail
Revenue Case Details
Know Khata By Owner Name
Know Survey No Detail By UPIN

Records for urban areas
Citizens in urban areas can view their land or owner property records online. One has to go to the official website of the revenue department to view the land record of the urban area. Following is the information about which land records of urban areas can be viewed online.

Survey No Detail
Nondh No.Details
135-D Notice Details
Know Survey No. By Owner Name
Entry List By Month Year
Know Survey No Detail By UPIN

Services available online at i-ORA Gujarat
iORA stands for Integrated Online Revenue Applications. Many land related services are provided online on this official website of revenue department. Services related to land are as follows.

Get permission to pay premium
Obtain non-cultivation permit
Non-cultivation permit with non-cultivation premium
Obtain bona fide industrial purpose certificate
Obtain permission to purchase land
Application regarding entitlement
Applications relating to City Survey Office
Application regarding Sub-Registrar Office
Application related to land survey
Farmers get authentically quantifiable
Gujarat Land Acquisition Act-2020

7/12 copy online print gujarat
Revenue Department of Gujarat Government has released a service to get copy of 7/12 online. All citizens of the state can get a copy of 7/12 Online Print Gujarat. This service can be taken online at home.

In which places 7/12 copy and 8-A copy are used?
These 07/12 and 8-A known as land revenue documents are used in many places. In which horticulture schemes, animal husbandry schemes, animal husbandry schemes and farmer-oriented schemes are useful for the benefit of the Gujarat government. Apart from this it is also useful for farmers to take advantage of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Moreover, it is also very useful to avail loan schemes like Kisan Credit Card Yojana.

How to Download Online Digitally Signed RoR. 7/12 copy online download
Online land documents are validated by the revenue department. For which a government resolution dated 18/11/2021 has been issued. In which it has been announced that e-sign and e-Seal should be implemented in revenue documents. From now on copies of Village Sample 6, 7/12 and 8-A can be obtained online by anyone from anywhere. For which Anyror Gujarat 2023 and can be downloaded from i-ORA. Let’s get step by step information on how to download these land slips.

First, go to Google and type “AnyRor” or “i-ORA”.

In which go to the portal of Revenue Department AnyRoR (,) i-ORA (
Click on “Digitally Signed RoR/Digitally Signed Village Sample Number” displayed on main page of AnyRoR or i-ora portal.

Enter your mobile number.
Read the Captcha Code displayed on the page of the website and enter it in the tax box below.
If captcha code is not readable then click on “Refresh Code”. So the new code will appear on the screen.
After entering the Cpatcha Code click on “Generate OTP”. After generating the OTP a verification code will be sent to the mobile number entered by you.
Enter the verification code given on the mobile number in Textbook and click on “Login”.

After Login Process | Process after login
After clicking on login, the form to get digitally signed village sample will open.
You have to select your district, taluk and village to make village sample number. Select the survey number / block number / account number / note number and click on “Add Village Form”.
Prepare the list by clicking on “Add Village Form” as per point number-8 mentioned above one by one with the details of required village sample number.
Then, after preparing the list of village sample number, verify it and click on “Proceed For Payment”.

Online Processed For Payment. How to make online payment?
Now after clicking on “Procced For Payment” if you want to make any correction then click on “Cancel Request”.

If all the information is correct then click on “Pay Amount” and pay the required amount online.
Note:- A) Fee for village sample is to be paid online only. B) Before paying the amount online, carefully read the instructions mentioned on the main page of the portal regarding online payment.

Download Digitally Signed RoR
After making the payment, the digital village sample number will be displayed on the screen to download. In which the digital village sample can be downloaded by clicking on “Download RoR”.

Note:- A) If the digital village sample number is not generated after paying the amount, then click on “Generate Ror” to generate the digital village sample number.
The digital village sample number will be available for download in your login for 24 hours. After that the login will be cancelled.
Digital Gam Namuna Number has a digital sign. And it is a copy certified by the State Govt.
By scanning the QR Code shown in the Digital Village sample number, any person or organization can verify the authenticity of the server copy.
It can also be verified by any person or organization by entering the unique number below the QR Code included in the digital village sample number.

Important Links of AnyROR Gujarat 2023

1AnyRoR Gujarat Website
2i-ORA Gujarat Portal
3Download Digitally Signed RoR
4Check URBAN Land Records
5Check Rural Land Records
6New Online Application
7Home Page

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