Bank of Baroda E-mudra Loan 2023

Bank of Baroda E-mudra Loan 2023

 Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan is likely a reference to a loan offered by the Indian government through its Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) program. The program aims to provide financial assistance to micro and small enterprises, including non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprise units. The loan is provided through participating banks and other financial institutions, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as purchasing equipment, raw materials, and working capital. The loan can also be availed through digital platform, which is probably why it is referred as “Bob e-Mudra loan”.

Bank of Baroda E-mudra Loan

Bank Of Baroda E-Mudra Loan – Overview

Name of the BankBank of Baroda
Name of the SchemeE Mudra Scheme
Name of the ArticleBank Of Baroda E Mudra Loan 
Type of ArticleLatest Update
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Official WebsiteClick Here

Eligibility criteria: Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

-The business should be non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprise units.

-The unit should have a GST registration

-The unit should not be in default of any government loans

-The unit should have a credit score of 650 or above

Loan Amount: Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

-The loan amount can vary depending on the type of enterprise and the purpose of the loan.

-Under the scheme, there are three categories of loans:

-Shishu: Loans up to 50,000

-Kishor: Loans between 50,000 and 5 lakh

-Tarun: Loans between 5 lakh and 10 lakh

Interest rate: Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

-Interest rate will vary from bank to bank and on the type of loan.

Repayment: Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

-The repayment period for the loan can range from 5 years to 10 years, depending on the type of loan and the purpose for which it is taken.

Documents required: Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

-Business registration certificate

-ITR and GST returns of the last 2 years

-Bank statement of the last 6 months

-Proof of residence and identity of the borrower

How to Apply For E Mudra Loan Bank Of Baroda?

All those readers and youth who have a bank account with  Bank of Baroda  will have to follow these steps to get loan  under  E Mudra  Yojana  , which are as follows –

  • To apply  online for  E Mudra Loan Bank Of Baroda  , first you have to  visit the  home page  of its official website
  • Now after coming to this page, you  have to click on the option of Proceed,
  •  After clicking on the option, a page like this will open in front of you –
  • Now you have to enter your mobile number  linked  to the bank account  here.
  • After this you will  get OT on the  mobile number  . You will get P  which you  have to type and  click on the option of Sumbit,
  • After clicking, a new page will open in front of you, 
  • Now after coming to this page, you will be told that how many rupees loan you can get,
  • Also, here you have  to select the amount for which you  want  to take a loan and  click  on the proceed  option,
  • After clicking, a new page will open in front of you, 
  • After coming here, you  have to fill the application form  carefully step by step  . 
  • All the required documents  will have to be scanned and uploaded  and click on the proceed  option.
  • After clicking, its  preview  will open in front of you, in which you will have to check all the information entered carefully.
  • After this, as soon as you have  to click on the submit  option, after which you will  get the  message  of depositing money  on the  registered mobile number 
  • Lastly, now you  have to click on the submit  option after  which you will get  the receipt  which you have to print  and keep safe etc.

After following all the above steps, all of you beneficiaries can easily  get  loan  under  E Mudra Yojana  under Bank of Baroda  and get its benefits.

FAQs :- Bank of Baroda e-Mudra loan

Here are some frequently asked questions about the MUDRA loan offered by Bank of Baroda:

Q: What is the interest rate for a MUDRA loan from Bank of Baroda?

A: The interest rate for a MUDRA loan from Bank of Baroda will vary depending on various factors such as loan amount, type of loan, and the purpose of the loan. It’s best to check with the bank for the current interest rate.

Q: What is the maximum loan amount that can be availed under the MUDRA scheme?

A: The maximum loan amount that can be availed under the MUDRA scheme is Rs. 10 lakh.

Q: How long is the repayment period for a MUDRA loan from Bank of Baroda?

A: The repayment period for a MUDRA loan from Bank of Baroda can range from 5 years to 10 years, depending on the type of loan and the purpose for which it is taken.

Q: How can I check the status of my MUDRA loan application?

A: You can check the status of your MUDRA loan application by visiting the official website of Bank of Baroda or by contacting the bank directly.

Q: Are there any collateral or security requirements for a MUDRA loan?

A: The collateral and security requirements for a MUDRA loan can vary depending on the loan amount and the bank’s policy. It’s best to check with the bank for the specific requirements.

Q: Can I prepay my MUDRA loan?

A: Yes, you can prepay your MUDRA loan, but it’s best to check with the bank for the specific terms and conditions regarding prepayment.

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