Check PM Kisan Samman Nidhi installment amount deposited :- Check whether 13th installment has been deposited in your account or not, there is good news for the farmers who are waiting for the 13th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. The installment amount of Kisan Samman Nidhi has been deposited in the account of every farmer. Check whether the 13th installment has been credited to your account or not.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhikendra Government has taken another new initiative for the convenience of farmers. A total of four installments of 2,000 are given in the account of the farmer. Friends you can check name of beneficiary list by going to PM kisan portal means friends can check your name in which different types of process are being provided you can do whatever you find easy.
To check your installmentGo to the official website of PM Kisan Yojana click on the Beneficiary List option given in the Farmer’s Corner.After clicking, the information of the region, district, sub-district, block and village will be asked on the webpage that opens.After entering all the information, click on Get Report.A list will open here. In which you can find your name.2000 rupees of PM Kisan Nidhi in the account if your name is in the list
- Click here to check your installment
- Official website click here