Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana Online Form, Documents, Application Process

Many schemes are released by the Gujarat government for the disabled brothers and sisters living in Gujarat. Among these schemes, a marriage assistance scheme has been put in place for disabled persons. Through this scheme, a disabled person is given financial assistance for the expenses incurred in getting married. With this help the disabled couple can marry well.

So we will know through this article how to fill the online form of Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana and which documents will be required in it. So read this article till the end.

Divyang Lagn Sahay Yojana – Divyang Lagn Sahay Yojana Gujarat
Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana is a financial assistance to a man above 21 years of age and a woman above 18 years of age in Gujarat to get married due to expenses incurred in marriage. Under this scheme, Rs.50,000/- + Rs.50,000/- together up to a total of Rs.1,00,000/- is given when a disabled person marries a disabled person. Also, assistance of Rs.50,000/- is given when a disabled person marries a normal person.

યોજનાનું નામ દિવ્યાંગ લગ્ન સહાય 
કોના દ્વારા શરૂ કરવામાં આવી ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા 
વિભાગનિયામક સમાજ સુરક્ષા
લાભાર્થીગુજરાતના દિવ્યાંગ લોકો
મળવાપાત્ર સહાય રૂ.૧,૦૦,૦૦૦/- સુધી ની સહાય
સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટ esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in
જીલ્લા હેલ્પલાઈન નંબર07923253266
Purpose of the scheme
The main objective of this scheme is to help the disabled person financially. With this financial assistance, a disabled person can get married well. Assistance of up to Rs.1,00,000/- is provided for marriage between Divyang to Divyang. Also, assistance up to Rs.50,000 is given from a normal person to a disabled person.
Seven round group marriage scheme
A total assistance of Rs.37,500 will be available for delivery
Who benefits from Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana?
Following are the eligibility and conditions for Divyang Lagna Sahai Yojana:
Age of girl should be more than 18 years and boy should be more than 21 years.
The benefit of this scheme will be available only once per couple.
In this scheme, application has to be made within 2 years from the date of marriage.
In case of marriage of a disabled person residing in two different districts, the application for availing the benefit of Divyang Marriage Assistance Scheme shall be made by the couple in the district of permanent residence of the disabled couple at the time of marriage.
In case a disabled applicant marries a disabled woman from another state, both the disabled husband and wife will be eligible for the benefit of this scheme on submission of prescribed proof. In case a disabled applicant marries a disabled woman from another state, the District Social Security Officer shall obtain an undertaking from the applicant woman that the female beneficiary has not received disability marriage benefit from her state.

The benefit of this scheme is available to the beneficiary with following percentage and disability:

ક્રમ દિવ્યાંગતાનો પ્રકારદિવ્યાંગતાની ટકાવારી
1.અંધત્વ, ઓછી દ્રષ્ટિ, આનુવંશિક કારણોથી થતો સ્નાયુક્ષય, રક્તપિત-સાજા થયેલ, એસિડના હુમલાનો ભોગ બનેલા, હલન ચલન સાથેની અશકતા, સેરેબલપાલ્સી, વામાનતા, બહુવિધ સક્લેરોસીસ, શરીરની પેશીઓ કઠણ થવાની વિકૃતિ૪૦ ટકા કે તેથી વધુ
2.સાંભળવાની ક્ષતિ૭૧ થી ૧૦૦ ટકા
3.ક્રોનિક ન્યુરોલોજીકલ સ્થિતિ, સામાન્ય ઈજા, જીવલેણ રક્ત સ્ત્રાવ, ધ્રુજારી, સ્નાયુબદ્ધ કઠોરતા, બૌદ્ધિક અસમર્થતા, હિમોગ્લોબીનની ઘટેલી માત્રા, દીર્ઘ કાલીન અનેમિયા, માનસિક બીમારી, ખાસ અભ્યાસ સબંધિત દિવ્યાંગતા, વાણી અને ભાષાની અશક્તતા, ચેતાતંત્ર – ન્યુરોનીવિકાસલક્ષી સ્થિતિમાં ક્ષતિ૫૦ ટકા કે તેથી વધું
Benefit available for Divyang Lagna Sahai Yojana
The benefits of this scheme will be available as follows:
Rs.50,000/- + Rs.50,000/- per couple, up to a total of Rs.1,00,000/- is given when disabled to disabled person marries each other.
In case of normal person to disabled person, they will be eligible for assistance up to Rs.50,000/-.
Divyang Lagn Sahay Yojana Required Documents – Required Documents Of Divyang Lagn Sahay Yojana
Following are the documents required in this scheme:
Example showing Percentage of Disabilities of Kumar and Kanya
Proof of Residence (any one of Light Bill, Election Card, Bhadkar, Ration Card, Aadhaar Card, Driving License)
Kumar and girl’s school leaving certificate
Wedding photos of bride and groom
Marriage Kankotri
Bank Passbook
Certificate of Marriage Registration
How to Apply Online for Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana?
Follow the steps below to avail the scheme:
First open the website https://esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in to fill the form.
After that the following page will open
As mentioned above, click on “New User”. Also first a new registration has to be done.
After doing new registration, the following page will open.
All your personal information has to be filled as mentioned above.
All the information has to be filled and submitted as above. After that Id and Password will come in your mobile.
After that they have to login as mentioned above with Id and Password.
After that all the plans will be seen as below.
As mentioned above, one has to click on “Divyang Lagna Sahay Yojana”.
After clicking on that scheme, a new page will open as below.
Click on “OK” button as mentioned above.
Click on “OK” button then the following page will open.
As mentioned above, the applicant has to fill all his details.
In all these details like “Personal Information of Applicant”, “Other Details of Applicant”, “Document Upload” and lastly “Agreement” etc. have to be filled.
After that the last application has to be submitted by clicking on “Save Application”.
After submitting the application, an “Application Number” will be generated. The applicant can check the status of his application from this application number.

Important links of the scheme:

સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટSamaj Kalyan
અરજી પ્રક્રિયા ઓનલાઈન 
હેલ્પલાઈન નંબર 07923253266
Whatsapp Group માં જોડાઓઅહીં ક્લિક કરો 

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