Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana 2023, Govt will provide assistance to build houses @esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in

Direct Scheduled Cast Welfare Scheme | Awas Yojana Gujarat | Dr. Ambedkar Avas Yojana | e Samaj Kalyan Portal | A total assistance of 1,49,910/- under Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana

Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana 2023: A time-bound program to provide housing in a phased manner to the economically weaker sections of the Scheduled Castes and especially the homeless living below the poverty line, persons owning open plots, completely raw mud, thatched, kuba type houses which An assistance of ₹.1,20,000 is paid in three installments for building a house above the first floor with the consent of the owner of the uninhabitable house and the owner of the house.

Objective of the scheme

Housing is to be provided in a phased manner as a time-bound program to the economically weaker sections of the Scheduled Castes and especially the homeless living below the poverty line. Assistance is paid in three installments of ₹.1,20,000 to persons having an open plot, completely raw mud, grass-covered, kuba type house which is uninhabitable and to construct a house above the first floor with the consent of the owner of the house. o Among them first installment – ₹.40,000 (with administrative approval order), o second installment – ₹.60,000 (after reaching lintel level) and o third installment – ₹.20,000 (on completion of construction including toilets) Are given.

Dr. Ambedkar Housing Scheme 2023 Eligibility

Beneficiary should be of respective caste and homeless only to get benefit under this scheme

Beneficiary should have own plot or uninhabitable mud / grass / kuba type / dilapidated house.

If a Scheduled Caste beneficiary constructs his own house on the first floor of the existing ground floor house in the name of his adult sons or brothers with the consent of the land/house owner, he can also be given benefit under this scheme.

The beneficiary or any other family members of the beneficiary should not have benefited under this department or any other housing scheme under any other department in the last 20 years.

The assistance received under Dr.Ambedkar Awas Yojana will not complete the construction of the house, so the remaining amount will have to be added by the beneficiary to complete the construction of the house.

Apart from housing assistance Rs.16,920 for unskilled employment for 90 days for housing construction under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA (MGNREGA) Scheme in Rural Areas can be obtained from NREGA Branch of Taluka Panchayat as per scheme rules.

Assistance of Rs.12,000/- for toilets under Swachh Bharat Mission can be availed from Taluka Panchayat in rural areas and Municipality/Mahanagarpalika in urban areas.

Annual income should not exceed Rs.1,20,000 in rural areas

Annual income should not exceed Rs.1,50,000 in urban areas

A maximum of Rs.5,00,000/- can be spent on a house in rural areas

A maximum of Rs.7,00,000/- can be spent on a house in an urban area

To get benefit under Dr. Ambedkar Avas Yojana online application has to be done at https://esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in.

Assistance available

In Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana 2022, the beneficiaries will get a total assistance of 1 lakh 20 thousand.

First installment ₹.40,000 (with administrative approval order)

Second Installment ₹.60,000 (After Reaching Lintel Level)

Third and final installment of ₹.20,000 (on completion of construction including toilets)

Useful documents for applying

Aadhaar Card of the applicant

Ration card

Election Credentials

Example of caste/subcaste of the applicant

Example of applicant’s gross annual income

Proof of Residence: (Electricity Bill, License, Lease Agreement, Copy of Election Card

Previous Passbook / Canceled Check (Applicant’s Name)

Land ownership proof/document/measurement form/rights form/charter form (as applicable).

A copy of the map showing the area of the land on which the house is to be constructed, signed by the Talati-cum-Minister.

Building construction lot

An affidavit states that he has not availed the scheme earlier

Example of death of husband (if widow)

Application Process

First, open Google Search and type e samaj kalyan portal.

Now the official website of e Samaj Kalyan portal has to be opened.

In which you have to click on “Director Scheduled Caste Welfare” page.

In which number-2 has to be clicked on Dr Ambedkar Avas Yojana.

If you have not done e samaj kalyan registration then “New User? Click on Please Register Here.

In which you have to create a new account by entering name, address, mobile number, password and Captcha Code.

After creating a new account, you have to click on Citizen Login. You have to login based on User Id, Password and Captcha Code.

In Citizen Login you have to click on Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana.

Then you have to fill your personal information in it.

After that the information about houselessness or habitable house has to be filled.

After filling all the information at home, the requested documents have to be uploaded.

After all the documents are uploaded, check the information once carefully and click on Save.

Print should be taken after final confirmation.

Useful links

Satavaar site click here to apply
Homepage Click here

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