E-Challan online : Check online whether your vehicle’s memo is torn or not

E-Challan online: Vehicle owner can check E-Challan through echallan.parivahan.gov.in /index/accu sed-challan website and mParivahan app. In mParivahan app, vehicle owner can find E-Challan by submitting vehicle registration number along with E-Challan number or chassis number. A regular traffic fine challan is a physical receipt for any traffic related offence, while a motor vehicle E-Challan is an electronic form of this challan. To examine how the E-Challan document is generated by the electronic challan system.

E-Challan online

Yes, if a driver and pillion rider do not use protective headgear (helmet), they will be issued an E-Challan with an order of DL suspension for 3 months. However, helmets are not applicable to those Sikh persons who wear turban and are not pillion riders above 4 years of age. Yes, if the conductor of a stage carriage shelter refuses to accept fare on supply of ticket or issuing invalid ticket or undervalued ticket, the conductor will be prosecuted under section 178(2) of MV Act, 1988.

Brief information about E-Challan

Gujarat on the west coast of India was formed in 1960. The state capital is Gandhinagar and major cities include Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot, Jamnagar etc. As of 2011 census, the population of the state is 60,383,628. With this increase in population figures, the state government has adopted various measures to manage traffic management properly.

With the introduction of the Motor Vehicles Act, 2019, the central government has significantly increased the penalties for various traffic fines in the country. However, the Gujarat state government has reduced the fine from 25% to 90% depending on the type of crime.

How does this portal work?
How to check E-Challan if any RTO or Police Officer issues E-Challan in electronic device for any MV Violation. A copy of the Act and the rules made thereunder are handed over to the driver and an SMS notification with details of the traffic offense is sent to the vehicle owner’s registered mobile number. It can also be viewed through the mParivahan app.

Steps to Check E-Challan

What to do to check E-Challan?

To check E-Challan, first of all you have to go to the official website of E-Challan.
The official website of E-Challan is – @ E-Challan.parivahan.gov.in .
First of all, you will find the Check E-Challan option in the menu on the home page.
After clicking on check challan you have to enter challan number or vehicle number or DL number there.
Click on submit and you will get complete details of E-Challan.
Steps to Pay E-Challan
How to Check E-Challan You can pay E-Challan through two means.

Online media

Offline medium

Using this app

Install the application. Available on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Now enter the vehicle number and click on ‘Get Details’.

You will now be shown your paid and unpaid bills.

How to pay challan through E-Challan?

Visit website: @ echallan.parivahan.gov.in/index/accused-challan

You have to enter Gujarat RTO challan number or your vehicle, or DL number.

Enter the captcha code and click on ‘Get Details’.

Check the details of your E–Challan, verify it and then proceed with the payment option.

Payment can be made through net banking, debit card and credit card.

Pay Offline:

Take the copy of RTO challan to your nearest police station.

You need to contact the person responsible for E-Challan collection.

Pay the fine in cash.

You can also request an officer to investigate any outstanding fines.

Important links

Official Website : Click Here
Home Page : Click Here

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