Educational Study Loan Gujarat 2022 | Educational Loan Scheme Gujarat | Education Loan Scheme Gujarat 2022

Educational Study Loan Gujarat 2022

The Gujarat Non-Reserved Educational and Economic Development Corporation has been formed by the State Government on 30/09/2017 of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Government of Gujarat. The college fees for studying medical line, engineering line, doctor etc. are very expensive. Further the total tuition fee of the entire course in medical undergraduate, medical postgraduate and postgraduate courses like IIM, IIT, NID, NIFT, IRMA, TISS or Rs. The educational study loan scheme has been implemented for the loan which is less.

Therefore, through this scheme, a loan of Rs. 10 lakhs is given to such students for study by the Non-Reserved Commission Corporation of the State Government. .So that small and financially weak students can do their studies very easily.

✔Name of the Scheme – Educational Loan Scheme Gujarat Non-Reserved Class

✔Assistance – Educational loan of Rs. 10.00 lakhs

✔State – Gujarat

✔Objective – The poor, economically weaker students of the non-reserved class of the State of Gujarat can further study and develop through this assistance.

✔Beneficiaries – Non-reserved class students of Gujarat State

✔Application Type – Online

✔Contact – Click here

Educational Study Loan Gujarat 2022 | Read Full Information Carefully & Apply

🔹️Samaj kalyan Education loan Benefits – લાભ

The Halo is given by the Non-Reserved Class Commission of the State Government to the non-reserved class students residing in the state.

In this scheme a loan of Rs.10,00,000

🔹️Education loan interest rate in Gujarat – interest rate – વ્યાજદર

This loan is given by the state government to the students of non-reserved class who want to study further after Std. 12, in which a loan of Rs. 10 lakh is given to such students. The interest on this 10 lakh loan is very simple. The interest on this loan is kept at 4% per annum which you can easily repay.

 🔹️Education loan Eligibility Gujarat – Eligibility – પાત્રતા

The eligibility for non-reserved class students for this scheme is as follows which is requested to be looked into carefully.

Student should be a native of Gujarat State and have been residing in Gujarat State for last 15 years.

The student should not be in an unreserved class.

Students are required to have at least 60% marks in standard 12.

If you have passed Std. 10-12 outside the state of Gujarat, you will have to submit ancillary evidence accordingly.

The college in which the admission has been taken should have got the approval of the college council.

This loan will be available to one person from the family only once.

The above eligible students will be eligible for assistance in obtaining this loan and the following rules should also be applicable which are requested to be read carefully.

For the year 2021-2022, the physical target has been set to give this loan to 700 students of the state.

Under the Educational Study Loan Scheme, Std-12 Medical, Dental, Independent level courses, Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Physiotherapy, Veterinary etc. K except BBA, BCom, BSc, BA)

The total tuition fee of the entire course in medical undergraduate, medical postgraduate and postgraduate courses in IIM, IIT, NID, NIFT, IRMA, TISS or Rs.10 lakhs whichever is less whichever is less. Academic Study Loans can be applied online for any loan.

After verification of the documents submitted online by the corporation here after the application is confirmed by the applicant for the loan scheme, the report of in-principle approval / disapproval / adequacy will be sent directly to the beneficiary through E-Mail / SMS.

For this scheme students have to upload online the required instrumental proofs requested by the applicant approved in principle by their corporation online and submit the print of application and necessary supporting proofs within 30 (thirty) days in the district where he resides.

The amount in principle sanctioned for this scheme is tuition fee every year during the course of study course. In order to get the first installment of the second year installment, the applicant has to submit the mark sheet of the previous year as well as the fee payment access online.

Students will have to submit mortgage documents once the application is approved.

Students will have to present five (printed name) checks in favor of the corporation.

🔹️Gujarat Bin Anamat Education Loan Income Limit- Annual Income Limit – વાર્ષિક આવક મર્યાદા

This scheme is available to non-reserved class students of the state for which the annual income limit of the family of the students has been fixed.

✔Which is as follows.

The annual income limit of the family of non-reserved class students for this loan should be less than Rs. 6.00 lakhs.

✔Special note

The required adequacy will have to be fulfilled within the stipulated time limit. If the applications returned to the student for adequacy are not completed within the time limit, then the application will be automatically rejected.

🔹️Documents required for Education Loan – Evidence – આધાર પુરાવા

This Sarkari Loan is given by the State Non-Reserved Commission Corporation to the non-reserved class students residing in the state who have passed Std. For this scheme the student has to apply online. For which the following documents have to be submitted.

1.Student’s Aadhaar card.

2.Student’s rationing card.

3.Student’s school leaving certificate.

4.Proof of Student Residence

5.Caste Certificate of Non-Reserved Class of Student.

6.Example of annual income of a student’s family.

7.Student’s Father’s IT Return, (All-PAGE) Form-16.

8.Copy / Diploma Certificate of student’s standard-10 and 12 marksheet.

9.Graduate level of the student as well as the marksheet and degree certificate of other 5th course.

10.Graduate level of the student as well as the marksheet and degree certificate of other 5th course.

11.Student is the basis for clarification of the period between the date of application and graduation (if any)

12.University / College Admission Letter regarding the admission obtained by the student for their academic studies.

13.Proof of the fee paid by the student every year and the structure of the fee for the entire course.

14.Consent to burden / mortgage the property of the student’s father / guardian (as per Appendix-1)

15.Xerox copy of first page of student’s bank passbook (including IFC code)

🔹️Gujarat Bin Anamat Education Loan Online Apply

For this loan the beneficiary has to go to esamaj kalyan portal and apply. For which the following step by step information is given.

First you have to go to Google and go to the official website of esamaj kalyan. If you are applying for the first time then you have to create New I’d and Password. And if you already have Id and Password then you have to enter it. Then you will get all the Sarkari Yojana of non-reserved class where you have to click on “Educational Study Loan” scheme.

Where the online application form will open in front of you. Where all the information as requested in this online application form will have to be understood and filled.

Where complete application has to be made in 4 parts.1- Personal information, 2- Details of application, 3- Details of documents and 4- Terms and conditions. 4 parts of this application have to be filled with full understanding.

The above information like name, address, email, date of birth, mobile number etc. of the student has to be filled in the application. Necessary supporting evidence has to be submitted and the application has to be submitted online.

After submitting you will be given an application registration number which you will have to save.

 🔹️Imporatant Link For Apply

》Online Apply – Apply Now

🔹️Education loan by government of gujarat help Line Number

If the student is having difficulty in applying for this scheme or if there are any questions regarding other loans, you can contact him by following the link given below.

●Help Line Number — Click here.

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