How to take a loan up to 15 lakhs through Dhani App Loan? Click here for information.

Dhani App Loan : Nowadays people prefer to take loans sitting at home and considering this opportunity DHANI APP has started providing instant loans to people sitting at home. Although there are many loan apps available to take home loan online, but among all these loan apps, DHANI APP is the best, as it offers loans at very low interest rates. The loan amount gets deposited in the account within 5 to 6 minutes.

In today’s internet age, people don’t like to go to banks to get loans, that’s why Dhani App Loan is getting very popular. Earlier DHANI APP was named IndiaBulls and later IndiaBulls was renamed to DHANI APP. Which is promoted by Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Due to millions of users and famous player Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s promotion, this app can be trusted.

The old name of DHANI APP was IndiaBulls, but later it has been renamed as DHANI APP. He is very famous in the loan industry. DHANI Loan Application is used by 100+ million people and through this app one can get loan in just 5 to 6 minutes.

This application provides many types of loan facilities, because all people have different needs, that’s why it offers different types of loans. So that the needs of all people can be fulfilled.

How to download Dhani App?

One can easily download the Dhani Loan app from the Google Play Store. And iOS users can also download directly from Google or iOS store. You can also download DHANI APP by clicking on the download button below.

How to create an account on Dhani App Loan?

First of all you have to download DHANI APP. After downloading you should have some important things like, gmail id, mobile number, internet connection etc.

Install and open the Dhani app and enter your mobile number.
After entering the mobile number, click on login / signup button, after that you will get an OTP, enter it.
After that you will be automatically taken to the home page of Dhani application.
You can create your Dhani app account in simple steps.
Fees and Chargers
You can see the fees and chargers set by Dhani App as below.

Type of chargesFees
Loan foreclosure/pre-payment charges5% for more than 6 months
Bounce chargesFor Salaried: Rs.400 per bounce
For Self Employed individuals: Rs.750 per bounce
Late Payment fee3% per month
Stamp duty charges for loan documentationAs per applicable laws
Duplicate NOCRs.500 per request

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