If the RC book of a car or bike is lost, this is how to get a duplicate at home, know the complete process

If the RC book of a car or bike is lost, this is how to get a duplicate at home, know the complete process. No need to worry if you have lost or stolen your vehicle’s RC book. By following this simple process you can get duplicate RC book at home.

  1. Stolen or lost RC book?
  2. Here’s how to get a duplicate at home
  3. Know the online application process

Have you lost or stolen your vehicle’s RC-Registration Certificate book? If yes then no need to worry because having an RC book is as important as having a driving license to travel by vehicle..

However, you can get a duplicate RC book of a tobacco vehicle. You can apply for Duplicate RC both online and offline.

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Before applying for duplicate RC you have to file a police complaint. In which you will give details of old RC. Like if your vehicle’s RC is lost then report it or if it’s stolen then report it. When you apply for a duplicate RC, a copy made with the police will be required.

How to Apply Online for Duplicate RC?

  • Go to Fossil Seva Portal https://parivahan.gov.in/parivahan//en
  • Select vehicle related service and then select your state or nearest RTO office.
  • Enter your vehicle registration number and click on ‘Proceed’.
  • Now complete information of your vehicle will be available on the screen.
  • If you go ahead, you will get many service options on the second screen. In it click on “Duplicate Registration Certificate”.
  • Enter the last 5 digits of your vehicle’s chassis number and submit.
  • Then fill the form with all the details and upload the required documents. Then click on “Submit”.
  • Now pay the duplicate RC fee and take a print out of the application form.
  • If your process is not completely online then you have to submit your form along with all the documents to the RTO office.
  • Also, you have to book an appointment slot for checking your vehicle.
  • You will get the duplicate RC on completion of the process.

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