Loan For Marriage Best Option For Instant Loans
Loan For Marriage Scheme: If there is a wedding in your house and you are running out of money for expenses, then there is no need to worry. By trying the three methods mentioned here, you can make up for the lack of money. Need money on urgent basis then this is the best online personal loan app giving you direct bank transfer in 10 minutes.
Loan For Marriage 3 Best Option For Instant Loans
Offers instant personal loans to its customers with most products being fully digital. Check best 3 option for marriage Loan online here.
Loan against lic policy
Generally, people use their FDs for marriage etc, but don’t use LIC policies as they are long term. But if you want, you can manage the money without availing LIC policy. Loan facility is available on all LIC policies. If this facility is available on your policy, you can get a loan of up to 80 to 90 percent of the surrender value of the policy. When giving a loan against a policy, the insurance company pledges your policy. You can apply for a loan against the policy both online and offline. For offline, you have to visit LIC office and apply for loan along with KYC documents.
Loan on EPF
If you are employed, you can also avail loan facility against your PF account. EPFO rule says that if you have completed 7 years of your job i.e. you have been contributing to EPFO for 7 years, you can get 50% from EPFO for your own marriage, son-daughter, brother. Sister etc can withdraw percentage.
Personal Loan
If you don’t have both these options, you can opt for a personal loan. A personal loan can be taken from any bank. You don’t need to pledge anything to get it. But your monthly income and credit score etc. are looked at. Online loan for personal credit needs with flexible tenure.
You have to submit your salary slip, photo, KYC etc while availing loan. You get 12 months to 60 months to repay the loan.