Loan from Google Pay : Now you can take an instant loan of up to 1 lakh rupees on Google Pay, know about the new service

You can digitally pay Rs. You can get a personal loan up to 1 lakh. It can be repaid in installments of 36 months or a maximum of 3 years.

Loan from Google Pay: Sometimes you need money emergency and you get personal loan from banks at very high rate. In such a situation, a new method has come up through which you will get a loan of up to 1 lakh rupees instantly. You may be familiar with Google Pay, which now allows you to get personal loans up to Rs 1 lakh.

What is the new feature how is it possible ?

In fact, Google Pay has tied up with DMI Finance Limited and under the partnership, both companies are jointly offering digital personal loans.

How much to get loan – How to pay

You can digitally pay Rs. You can get a personal loan up to 1 lakh. It can be repaid in installments of 36 months or a maximum of 3 years. Currently, this facility is available across 15,000 zip codes in the country in partnership with DMI Finance Limited.

What are the conditions for taking a loan from Google Pay ?

To take this loan, the customer needs to be a customer on Google Pay and not have a new account but still should have a good credit history, only then this loan will be available. Not everyone can get this loan, as it requires a good credit history.

Pre-qualified users can avail this loan from DMI Finance Limited and the loan will be offered through Google Pay.

How long will the money be deposited?

If there are pre-approved customers, the customer’s loan application will be processed in real-time and after some time the amount you applied for will be credited to the account (maximum one lakh).

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