Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Saat Phera Group Marriage Yojana | Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Saat Phera Samuh Lagn Gujarat

In many places in Gujarat, we see that people in the society are spending a lot of money on marriage in order to show off each other. Also, even though they don’t have that much money, they spend wrongly by bringing money at interest and face many difficulties financially. So in order not to face such dire economic situation, Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Satphera Group Marriage Scheme was released by the government. This scheme is for Scheduled Caste people residing in Gujarat.

So we will know through this article how to fill online form in Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Sat Phera Group Marriage Yojana and what documents will be required in it. So read this article till the end.

Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Saat Phera Group Marriage Scheme
“Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Saat Phera Group Marriage” Scheme has been started by Gujarat Government to prevent unnecessary expenses in marriages in the society. Through this scheme Rs.12,000/- to the couple conducting mass marriage and Rs.3000/- to the organizing organization per couple up to a maximum of Rs. 75,000 is given as an incentive amount.

યોજનાનું નામમાઈ રમાબાઈ આંબેડકર સાત ફેરા સમૂહ લગ્ન યોજના 
કોના દ્વારા શરૂ કરવામાં આવી ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા 
વિભાગનિયામક અનુસૂચિત જાતી કલ્યાણ
લાભર્થીઅનુસૂચિત જાતિ ના લગ્ન કરનાર યુગલ 
મળવાપાત્ર સહાયવધુ માં વધુ રૂ.૭૫,૦૦૦/- સુધીની મર્યાદામાં સહાય
સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટ
હેલ્પલાઈન નંબર 07923259061
Purpose of the scheme
The main objective of Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Saat Phera Group Marriage Yojana is to curb the cost of marriages in the society. Through this scheme, assistance up to Rs.75,000/- is provided per couple participating in group marriage. This scheme does not have to cost a Scheduled Caste couple living below the poverty line to get married. Also, gifts are also given to couples through this scheme.
A total assistance of Rs.37,500 will be available for delivery
Complete information about Kunvarbai’s Mameru Yojana
Who can participate in Sat Fera Group Marriage Scheme?
The terms and eligibility for this scheme are as follows:
The benefit of this scheme will be available only to Scheduled Tribes residing in Gujarat.
Income limit in this scheme is up to Rs.6,00,000/- at rural and urban level.
In case of remarriage, the benefit of this scheme will not be available.
At the time of marriage, the age of the bride should be 18 years and the age of the youth should be 21 years.
Application should be made within 2 years of marriage.
Beneficiary bride participating in group marriage fulfills all the conditions of Sat Fera Group Marriage Yojana and Kunwar Bai No Mameru Yojana, then she will be eligible to get benefits under these schemes.
Benefits eligible under the scheme
The scheme will provide the following benefits:
Couples participating in group weddings are given Rs.12,000/- per couple in the name of the bride and Rs.3000/- per couple to the organizing body.
Maximum assistance is provided up to Rs.75,000/-.
Necessary Documents for Saat Fera Group Marriage Scheme
The following documents will be required for this scheme:
Documents to be submitted by the couple
aadhar card
Address proof (ration card, light bill, tenancy agreement, election card) any one of
wedding ceremony
Certificate issued by group wedding planners
Income pattern of bride’s father
School leaving certificate or any proof of age of the youth
Caste Certificate
Bank Passbook

Documents to be submitted by the organization

A letter in advance written notice to the District Deputy Director
Certificate of Registration of Institution
All three leaflets
Bank Passbook
How to Apply Online for Mai Ramabai Ambedkar Sat Phera Group Marriage Yojana?
Follow the steps below to avail the scheme:

First open the website to fill the form.
After that the following page will open

As mentioned above, click on “New User”. Also first a new registration has to be done.
After doing new registration, the following page will open.

All your personal information has to be filled as mentioned above.
All the information has to be filled and submitted as above. After that Id and Password will come in your mobile.

After that they have to login as mentioned above with Id and Password.
After that all the plans will be seen as below.
As mentioned above you have to click on the scheme.
After clicking on that scheme, a new page will open as below.
Click on “OK” button as mentioned above.
Click on “OK” button then the following page will open.
As mentioned above, the applicant has to fill all his details.
In all these details like “Personal Information of Applicant”, “Other Details of Applicant”, “Document Upload” and lastly “Agreement” etc. have to be filled.
After that the last application has to be submitted by clicking on “Save Application”.
After submitting the application, an “Application Number” will be generated. The applicant can check the status of his application from this application number.

Important links of the scheme:

સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટSamaj Kalyan
અરજી પ્રક્રિયા ઓનલાઈન 
હેલ્પલાઈન નંબર 7923256959
Whatsapp Group માં જોડાઓઅહીં ક્લિક કરો 

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