Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) is a health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India in 2008 to provide financial security to families living below the poverty line (BPL) in India. The primary objective of RSBY is to ensure that poor families can access quality healthcare services without facing financial hardship.
The scheme covers hospitalization expenses up to Rs.30,000 per annum for up to five family members including head of household, spouse and three dependent children. The premium for this scheme is Rs. 30 per month per family, of which the central and state governments share the cost in the ratio of 75:25. The scheme has managed to enroll 4.5 crore families by 2021, making it one of the largest health insurance schemes in the world.
rashtriys swasth bima yojna 2024
Following is the table giving information about National Health Insurance Scheme.
યોજનાનું નામ | રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્વાસ્થ્ય વીમા યોજના |
હેતુ | ગરીબી રેખા નીચે જીવતા પરિવારોને આરોગ્ય વીમા કવરેજ આપવા. |
વીમા દ્વારા આવરી લીધેલું જોખમ | હોસ્પિટલમાં દાખલ થવાનો ખર્ચ વાર્ષિક રૂ. 30,000 કુટુંબના 5 સભ્યો સુધી. |
લાયકાત | ગરીબી રેખા નીચે જીવતા પરિવારો |
પ્રીમિયમ | રૂ.30 દર મહિને કુટુંબ દીઠ |
નોંધણી | અધિકૃત સમુદાય સેવા કેન્દ્રો દ્વારા અથવા ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવી પડે. |
ક્લેમ સેટલમેન્ટ | નેટવર્ક હોસ્પિટલોમાં કેશલેસ સારવાર અથવા ખર્ચની ભરપાઈ |
અમલીકરણ | કેન્દ્ર સરકારના સમર્થન સાથે રાજ્ય સરકારો દ્વારા અમલમાં મૂકવામાં આવે છે |
ક્યારથી શરૂ થઈ | 2008 |
લાભાર્થીઓ | 2021 સુધીમાં 4.5 કરોડથી વધુ પરિવારોની નોંધણી થઈ |
- બીપીએલ કેટેગરીના અસંગઠિત ક્ષેત્રના કામદારો અને તેમના પરિવારના સભ્યો (પાંચ જણનું કુટુંબ એકમ) યોજના હેઠળ લાભાર્થી હશે.
- અસંગઠિત ક્ષેત્રના કામદારો અને તેમના પરિવારના સભ્યો કે જેમને યોજના હેઠળ લાભ મળવાનો પ્રસ્તાવ છે તેમની યોગ્યતા ચકાસવાની જવાબદારી અમલીકરણ એજન્સીઓની રહેશે.
- લાભાર્થીઓને ઓળખના હેતુ માટે સ્માર્ટ કાર્ડ આપવામાં આવશે.
The beneficiary will be eligible for inpatient health care insurance benefits to be designed by the respective state governments based on the need of the patients/geographical area. However, State Governments are advised to include at least the following minimum benefits in the package/scheme:
Unorganized sector workers and their families (unit of five) will be covered.
Total Sum Assured per annum Rs. 30,000/- per family, on family floater basis.
Cashless attendance for all covered ailments
Hospitalization costs, taking care of most common ailments with as few exclusions as possible
All pre-existing diseases will be covered.
Transportation expenses within an aggregate limit of Rs.1000 (actual with a maximum limit of Rs.100 per visit).
funding patterners
Contribution by Government of India: 75% of the estimated annual premium of Rs. 750, to a maximum of Rs.565 per family per annum. The central government will bear the cost of the smart card.
Contribution by the respective State Governments: 25% of the annual premium, plus any additional premium.
The beneficiary has to pay Rs.30 per annum as registration/renewal fee.
The administrative and other related expenses of running the scheme will be borne by the respective State Governments.
Important Links
રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્વાસ્થ્ય વીમા યોજનાની વેબસાઈટ | અહીં ક્લિક કરો |
હોમ પેજ | અહીં ક્લિક કરો |
An electronic list of eligible BPL households is provided to the insurer using a pre-specified data format.
The insurance company prepares the enrollment schedule for each village with dates with the help of district-level officials.
As per the schedule, the BPL list is posted at registration stations and prominent places in each town before registration, and the date and location of registration in the village is announced in advance.
Mobile enrollment stations are set up at local centers (eg, public schools) in each village.
These stations are equipped with hardware required by the insurer to collect biometric information (fingerprints) and photographs of covered household members and a printer to print smart cards with photos.
Once the beneficiary pays a fee of Rs 30 and the concerned government official authenticates the smart card, the smart card is provided on the spot along with an information leaflet describing the scheme and list of hospitals.
The process usually takes less than ten minutes.
The card will be handed over in a plastic cover.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for National Health Insurance Scheme.
Step 1: Check your eligibility Before you start the application process, you need to check whether you are eligible for the scheme or not. To be eligible, you need to be below the poverty line or have a yellow ration card. You should be between 18 to 60 years of age and have a valid Aadhaar card.
Step 2: Find the nearest Enrollment Center To apply for the National Health Insurance Scheme, you need to visit the nearest Enrollment Centre. You can find the list of enrollment centers on the official website of the scheme.
Step 3: Once you find the nearest registration center, and fill the application form. The form will ask for basic details like your name, age, address, Aadhaar card number and other relevant information.
Step 4: You have to submit the required documents along with the application form. These documents include a copy of your Aadhaar card, a passport-size photograph and a yellow ration card (if applicable).
Step 5: You also have to pay a registration fee of Rs.30 to enroll in the scheme. This fee can be paid at the Enrollment Center itself.
Step 6: After submitting your application form and documents, you will receive your National Health Insurance Scheme card. This card will contain your details and will act as proof of your enrollment in the scheme.
By following these six steps, you can easily apply for National Health Insurance Scheme and secure health insurance for yourself and your family.