Navi Personal Loan : Get loan up to 5 lakh sitting at home

Navi Personal Loan In Hindi। Navi App Loan eligibility । Navi Personal Loan Interest Rate । Navi Home loan 

In today’s era of inflation, people are in great need of loans to meet their needs. But while taking a loan from the bank, you have to do a lot of paperwork and many times you have to visit the bank. That’s why people are getting very bored.

But now you will get rid of all these hassles, the country’s most famous application has brought the facility of personal loan, through this application you will get a loan of up to 5 lakhs sitting at home without any paperwork.

In this article, we will tell you how to get a home loan of 1.5 crores and how to get a personal loan of up to 5 lakhs, so you must read this article till infinity.

Navi Personal Loan

With the help of NAvi App, you can avail home loan and personal loan facility in India. Through this app, you can get loan from the comfort of your home. The special thing about NAvi App application is that through this you can get the money earned in your bank account immediately.

If you want to buy a new bike, HDFC is offering two wheeler loan, click on the link given below to get complete details about this loan.

The company is registered by NBFC as Navi Finserv Private Limited. And the company works as per the rules of RBI. Navi Company was founded in 2020 by Sachin Bansal.

Navi Personal Loan App Download

Navi Personal Loan App You can easily download this application in your mobile. First of all open Google Play Store in your mobile and then type Navi Personal Loan app in the search box. Now you will see this app on the screen, now you install it. By using this application you can get personal loan and home loan very easily.

Navi App Loan eligibility

If you want to take a loan with the help of Navi Personal Loan app,  then you have to follow some terms and conditions. which we have given below.

If you are a citizen of India then you can get loan with the help of this application.

NAvi App offers loans only to people above the age of 18 years.

Navi application does not provide loan in all states of India so you have to install new application and check your low cash only then you will know.

If you have a good credit score then you will be eligible for the loan.

Navi Personal Loan App. Special issues 

Name of the article Navi Personal Loan
Navi Personal LoanLoans up to Rs 10 thousand 5 lakh are available to you on Navi App.
Navi Home LoanNAvi App gives you home loan up to 90% of total property value.
official websiteClick here
Download Loan Navi Loan App  (Android)download here
Download Loan Navi Loan App  (iOS)download here

Features of Navi Personal Loan

Navi Personal Loan  is an application promoting Digital India. There are many features in this app. Which we have mentioned below.

  • Loan amount on NAvi App –  You get loan amount ranging from 10 thousand to 5 lakh.
  • Interest of NAvi App  –  On this app you get interest rate ranging from 12 to 36%. It depends on your credit score.
  • Tenure of NAvi App-  From here you can take loan from 3 to 36 months.
  • NAvi App Processing Fee –  You may incur a processing fee of 3.99% on this application.

Features of Navi Home Loan

Navi also provides home loan facility. Whose features are given below.

  • NAvi App gives you home loan up to 90% of the total property value. For example, the house you are buying is worth Rs 1 crore. So you can give an amount of up to Rs 90 lakh in the form of loan from Navi application.
  • With NAvi App you will be eligible to get higher loan amount at lower EMIs.
  • You do not have to pay any additional loan on Navi Home Loan.
  • If you have all the eligibility to avail the home loan then you will be given the loan instantly.
  • Till the time your home loan is approved with the NAvi App, you do not need to do any paperwork.

How to Take Loan from Navi App

Below is the complete process of how you can avail the loan with the help of NAvi App. read it carefully

Step.1 –  First of all you have to download Navi app from play store of your mobile.

Step.2  – After this you have to verify by entering the mobile number.

Step.3 –  After completing all these processes, your account will be created. Now you will come to the home page of the new app, where you will see two options, one for Personal Loan and the other for Home Loan.

step.4 –  Now click on whatever loan you want to take. And fill the following details.

  • Name (as per PAN card)
  • marital status
  • type of employment
  • monthly income
  • Workplace
  • whatever the reason for taking the loan
  • Educational qualification
  • pan card number
  • Date of Birth (As per PAN Card)
  • pin code number

Step.5 –  It will take 2 to 3 minutes to complete all the application process. If you are eligible for this loan, complete the AAG process and reapply for the loan after 90 days if your application is rejected.

Step.6 –  If you are eligible for the loan then you need to select the monthly installment to repay the loan.

Step.7 –  Now complete your KYC. For this you will need an Aadhaar card and your selfie will be visible in one.

Step.8 –  Fill all the account details in the account from which you want to take the loan.

After completing all these procedures, the entire loan amount will be credited to your account.

If you have to use any kind of application or take a loan then more customer care numbers are given below. By contacting which you can get all the loan information in detail.

Navi Loan App Customer Care Number

If you face any kind of problem in Navi Loan App then you can contact on the number given below.

navi loan app helpline number+91 81475 44555
email idमदद
official websiteClick here 
Address3rd Floor , Salarpuria Business Center,93, 5th A Block, Koramangala,Bangalore -560095

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