Now take birth and death instance online at home , know what is the process

Now take birth and death instance online at home

E olakh birth and death certificate: Gujarat state government has launched an online portal called Idtana so that people can download birth and death certificates easily, through which citizens can register birth and death online at home without being pushed by the government office. can download

Pattern of birth and death online

Now take birth and death instance online at home Today we will discuss how to download birth and death certificate at home through this article. Under the Birth and Death Act 1969 it is mandatory for every person to register their birth and death, according to this in this post today we will get complete information and you can download birth and death certificate at home, and don’t forget to share this with your friends. .

Birth and Death Patterns Online – Highlights

Name of the postHow to download birth and death form online?
Post NameHow to Registration e olakh birth and death in Gujarati
benefitFor birth and death certificate online, download certificate
State NameGujarat

E credential online

Now take birth and death instance online at home e olakh birth and death registration: If you want to download your child’s birth certificate or create a death certificate for anyone, you can get birth and death certificate at home by following the steps below.

To get birth and death certificate friends first of all you have to register on online website where you will be sent a link through mobile number or email you can download birth and death certificate by opening it then let’s discuss about it.

How to download birth certificate online?

Now take birth and death instance online at home If you or your child’s birth son is lost then you can create new birth certificate in Gujarat you can create new birth certificate at home by following below given sex.

First of all you have to visit the official website of Gujarat Government “E-Identity” then you have to click on “Download Certificate” option.

There you have to click on birth option then you have to enter all the required information like application number mobile number etc. then you have to click on search data button. You can download the birth certificate if all the details are entered by you.

How to download death certificate online?

First of all you have to visit the official website of Gujarat Government “E-Identity” then you have to click on “Download Certificate” option.

Now take birth and death instance online at home There you have to click on death option then you have to enter all the required information like application number mobile number etc. then you have to click on search data button. You can download the birth certificate if all the details are entered by you.

Important links

Birth and Death Pattern OnlineClick Here
HomePageClick Here

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