PhonePe Personal Loan Apply

Now get loan up to 5 lakh from phonepe at home in just 10 minutes, know more information

Many times money is needed in emergencies. At that time even family members and relatives do not help. In such a situation, the only support of middle class families is loan, but friends, if your CIBIL score is not good, then no bank will give you a loan. What should be done in that case? So in such a situation you can apply PhonePe Personal Loan.

Today we will get complete information about PhonePe Personal Loan. In which how to apply, which documents are required. Who will be eligible for this loan? We will get all such information with the help of this article. So read this article till the end.

PhonePe Personal Loan Apply Overview 

પોસ્ટ નું નામ PhonePe Personal Loan Apply
લોન કેટલો મળશે ₹5 લાખ સુધી 
વ્યાજદર 13 to 20%
અરજી કેવી રીતે કરવી Online 
લાભ તરત જ લોન મળી જશે 
PhonePe Personal Loan Apply

Many of you must be using PhonePe to make online payments. But did you know? That you can also take loan from PhonePe. With the help of this PhonePe App, you can easily get a loan of up to ₹ 5 lakh online without any paperwork at home.

To take a loan from Phonepe, you have to download the Phonepe application and also sign up. What to do next is given below.

Eligibility for PhonePe Personal Loan

Applicant must be a Phonepe User and have an account on PhonePe.
Applicant must be an Indian citizen.
Before Joe, Ajdar got a loan from Phonepay. And if the loan payment is outstanding, then the loan will not be available.

PAN Card
Aadha Card
Credit score
Bank statement up to 6 months

How to Apply PhonePe Personal Loan

If you also want to take loan from PhonePe. And if you fall in the above eligibility then you can apply this PhonePe Personal Loan. Complete details on how to apply are given below.

For loan application, you should first open the Phonepe app.
After that, you will find the loan section on the home page.
Click on it. After that many loans will be opened in front of you from which you need the loan. Click on it.
After that, the list of loan partners will open in front of you.
Click on it. Then the registration form will open.

Fill in all the required information carefully.
In this way you can apply PhonePe Personal Loan.
After filling the loan information, if your information is correct, you will get the loan immediately.

How to Apply PhonePe Personal Loan today. What is the interest rate? Get all this kind of information. If you liked this article then share it with your friends.

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