Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2023
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2022: Pradhan Mantri has Announced new scheme Which Is called Jan Aushadhi Scheme. this Scheme is launched by the Department Of the Pharmaceuticals, ministry Of Chemicals and Fertilizers. under this scheme government Of India Aims to make Available Quality Generic Medicines at Very Affordable Price to the Outlet Known as Jan Aushadhi store. Jan Aushadhi Store Will be Opened in Each District , City, Village of all the State.
The Medical Treatment and medicine becomes so Expencive in our counry. Paitants have to Purchase Life saving Medicine despite to higher Price of the Medicine. In this scheme Some of Pharmaceutical company Will Make Life Saving Medicines in very Affordable Price so that needy People can bye medicine for Their illness in Affordable Price.
Here, in this article we will Provide you all the Information Regarding this scheme. Readers are requested to read Full article for Detailed information.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2022: Read Now
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2022: Generic Medicine
The main aim of this scheme is to Provide Medicine in the very affordable Price. if you don’t know what is Generic medicine then let me tell you, If a drug is sold in the market by its chemical name without adding any brand or patent / advertising then it is called as generic medicine. Pharma Companies Produce different Different Medicine to solve various health Problem. Pharmaceutical Companies sell some medicine which are used to cure a Particular health issue under the name of making those Drugs and no marketing cost also would be spent to sell them that medicines are sold at very Low cost when Compared to same kind of medicine which is non generic.
For an example Company A make medicine to cure Cough Using a Particular content or you can say chemical and they will sell the medicine for Rs. 1. and the same medicine Produce by the other Pharmaceutical company B and they will sell that medicine for Rs. 5 per unit by advertising it under a brand name Cough-x. Then here the medicine offered by Allergen are no generic whereas Company A is selling generic medicine.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2022: Features Of The Scheme
This scheme was Launched with the aim of offering quality generic medicine at discounted Price.
For Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2022 Government has chosen 504 medicine for the Generic.
All kind Of essential Drugs are Includes under this scheme like Antibiotics, Painkillers, Vitamins and Medicine in used for the Treatment of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Diabetes and Gastroenterology.
It is Reportedly Said That Government as a part of this Scheme will purchases medicines from various public and private drug manufacturing companies and Rebrand them, reprice them so that they would be sold at very affordable rates. For this government will open jan aushadi stores in many cities across India.
These stores are opened in the premises of Hospitals/ NGOs/Institutions/Co-operative Societies, identified by State Government.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme 2023: Benefit Of The Scheme
- Medicine Which are Life saving for Citizens of India will become Affordable.
- Creation of Vast number of employee opportunities directly and Indirectly.
- Generic Medicine Will be sold at the Authorized Store only.
- This scheme Will Increase the Health standard of the Citizens.
- Save money of the People.
For any queries related to Jan aushadhi scheme you can contact on toll free Number Provided by the Government 1800-180-8080.
Official Website: Click Here
In the Above Section we have Mention all the Possible information Regarding this scheme. hope you become aware of this Scheme now. you can check Out More details From the Official Website Of the Government Of India Which we have Mention In the above.