SBI 1438 Recruitment 2022-23

SBI 1438 Recruitment 2022-23

SBI 1438 Recruitment 2022-23 : Recently SBI has released official notification for various posts. Notification is published for the appointment of candidates on the posts of Manager, Credit Analyst, Circle Advisor etc. Total 1438 posts will be filled as per this notification. Eligible candidates have to apply online. Last date to apply online is 10/01/2023. SBI Recruitment 2022-23: SBI has released notification for various posts. This is a golden opportunity for candidates who are willing to work in banking sector. Educational qualification, age, application date and last date, salary, etc. information for this recruitment will be seen in this article. Notification download Click Here

SBI 1438 Recruitment Educational Qualification

As per the notification published by the State Bank of India, the following qualifications have been fixed for filling up various circle based posts.

  1.  The retired officers/staffs should have retired from the Bank’s service only on attaining superannuation at the age of 60 years. The officers voluntarily retired/ resigned/ suspended or left the Bank otherwise before superannuation are not eligible for consideration for engagement. However, any officer, who has completed 58 years of age and 30 years of service/pensionable service (both the conditions need to be satisfied) as on the date of applying for voluntary retirement as per e-Circular Nos. CDO/P&HRD-PM/58/2015-16 dated 07.10.2015 & CDO/P&HRD-PM/12/2017-18 dated 05.05.2017 will be eligible for engagement in the Bank on attaining the age of 60 years.
  2.  The engagement shall be up to the maximum age of 65 years, subject to satisfactory performance and renewal of contract. As such, maximum age as on date of advertisement i.e., on 22.12.2022 should be 63 years.
  3.  The retired officers/staffs should have good track record of performance and deep knowledge of Bank’s systems and procedures Credit/NPA.
  4. The integrity of the retired officers/staffs should not have been doubtful during their previous tenure.
  5.  No punishment/ penalty (Censure or higher) should have been inflicted on the retired officers/staffs during the five years of their service preceding to their retirement.
  6. Cases of CBI or other law enforcement agencies should not be pending against the retired officials/staffs.
  7.  The Retired officers/staffs should maintain good health and not suffering from any major ailments.
  8.  The engagement of retired officers/staffs in the Bank shall be on contract basis and shall not be treated as extension in service for the purpose of pension and other superannuation benefits.
  9.  The retired officers/staffs of SBI and its e-Associate banks with unblemished service record who retired as Clerical or in the Scale-I, II & III shall be considered for engagement for the above positions.
  10.  The retired officers/staffs will not exercise any administrative/financial power during the period of engagement.
  11.  They will not be eligible for any medical facilities under the contract.
  12.  The retired officers/staffs will not accept any assignment with any other organization during the period of their contractual service in the Bank.
  13.  The number of vacancies including reserved vacancies mentioned above are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.
  14.  Candidate belonging to OBC category but coming in the ‘creamy layer’ are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate them category as ‘GENERAL’ as applicable.
  15.  Caste certificate issued by Competent Authority on format prescribed by the Government of India will have to be submitted by the SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates.
  16.  A declaration will have to be submitted in the prescribed format by candidates seeking reservation under OBC category stating that he/she does not belong to the creamy layer as on last date of online registration of application. OBC certificate containing the ‘non-creamy layer’ clause, issued during the period 01.04.2022 to the date of interview, should be submitted by such candidates, if called for interview.
  17.  Maximum age indicated is for General category candidates. No Relaxation in upper age limit will be available to reserved category candidates.
  18.  PWD candidate should produce a certificate issued by a competent authority as per the Government of India Guidelines.
  19.  Reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) in engagement is governed by Office Memorandum no. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dt. 31.01.2019 of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pensions, Government of India.EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of Government of India and outcome of any litigation. The engagement is provisional and is subject to the Income & Asset certificate being verified through the proper channels.” Benefit of reservation under EWS category can be availed upon production of an “Income & Asset Certificate” issued based on gross annual income for the Financial Year 2021-22 as per DoPT guidelines.

Application Fees

Application fees for General/OBC/EWS candidates Rs. 750/- is.
Application fees for ST/SC/PWD candidates is Rs.00/-.


  • Clerical – Rs.25,000/-
  • JMGS-I – Rs.35,000/-
  • MMGS-II & MMGS-III – Rs.40,000/-

How to Apply SBI 1438 Recruitment

First search in google search.
Click on the official website in the result shown in the search.
Now click on Latest Announcements.
Click on “Apply online” below the notification.
First register using your mobile number and e-mail id.
After registration you have to fill and submit your application form accurately and take a print out of the form.
Click Here to Apply Online

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