Surya Urja Rooftop Scheme 2023. solar rooftop gujarat scheme 2023. solar rooftop gujarat 2023. solar rooftop scheme india rooftop solar gujarat 2023 | surya gujarat yojana 2023 | Solar Panel Price 2023. Pradhan Mantri Solar Yojana | solar system subsidy in Gujarat 2023 |
Nowadays the use of electricity is increasing everywhere. And coal is used to make electric CT and when electric CT is made from coal it causes a lot of pollution. And there are also harmful to the environment. So while Gujarat government or state government takes solar rooftop scheme, solar plate is given to them by Gujarat government to generate electricity from sun rays.
Benefits of Solar Rooftop Scheme
Anyone availing this solar roof top scheme in India gets the return of the scheme within five years. And taking advantage of this can save you a lot of money from paying electricity bills every month.
In India, the consumption of electricity at home is given at 2.50 rupees per unit and finally television rupees are deposited in each bank account.
Under this scheme launched by the Government of India, the company provides a maintenance guarantee of up to five years.
Benefits of the scheme
In this scheme, a lot of assistance is given in many states of India. Like in the northern states, discounts of up to 70% are given to the beneficiaries in this scheme.
The subsidy available in this scheme is applicable to everyone. Such as hospitals, social sector, household and commercial sector also benefit from this scheme.
A user of solar energy has to pay only Rs.6.50/kWh, which is very less compared to similar generators and conventional electricity. The implementation of this scheme also helps to protect the climate as a result of reduction of about 60 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. So ultimately it remains environment and health safe.
Eligibility to avail the scheme
Applicant must be a permanent resident of Gujarat state.
Land in the name of the applicant or 100 sq. ft must have own house in this area.
If the applicant is availing solar panel under any central scheme, such people will not be given the benefit of Gujarat Free Solar Panel scheme.
Total cost of the scheme
Every person can benefit from this scheme and it costs much less than other electricity generators to install Rooftop System for their house. The investment of this scheme is to be done only once. In which you always get exemption from electricity bill. In which there is no need of any other expenses. So that you get exemption from this expensive light bill.
Capacity of solar panel system
In this scheme, the electricity consumer can install a solar system of any capacity of one kilowatt DC or more
The subsidy will further be limited to a capacity of 10 kW.
Capacity to install solar rooftop plants for power connections of common facilities of GHS/ RWA shall be subject to a limit of 10 KW per household up to a maximum total of 500 KW.
Surya Urja Rooftop Scheme Receivable Subsidy 2023
order Subsidy on total capacity Total cost
40% upto 1 3 KV
2 20% from 3 KV to 10 KV
3 Subsidy will not be available above 10 KV
Required documents
Permanent Residence Certificate of Applicant from Gujarat State
Aadhaar card for applicant’s identity and address
Subsidy Expenditure Certificate of Applicant User
Authorized seller’s bill issued by GEDA
Solar System Commissioning Report
Joint establishment report
Certificate of permission of charge by CEI
Certificate of Electrical Supervisor or Contractor
Useful links
Satawar Site : Click here
Homepage : Click here