Special FD Scheme: Many banks have started Special Fixed Deposit Scheme (Special FD Scheme) to attract customers. These schemes offer higher interest rates than normal FDs. Banks on behalf of which these schemes have been launched include SBI, IDBI Bank and Indian Bank. If you also want to avail these schemes then you have time till 31 December 2024.
- SBI Amrit Kalash Scheme
State Bank of India has introduced SBI Amrit Kalash scheme for customers. This is a special FD scheme of 400 days. Under this, general customers are getting the benefit of 7.10 percent FD interest rate and senior citizens 7.60 percent FD interest rate during this period. The scheme is due to expire on 31 December 2024. If you are also thinking to invest in it, you can invest through SBI branch, SBI YONO etc.
- IDBI Bank Special FD Scheme
Strong interest rates are offered on special FDs of 375 and 444 days under IDBI Bank’s ‘Utsav FD’. If on 375 days special FD general citizens are getting 7.10 percent interest rate and senior citizens are getting 7.60 percent interest rate. While on 444 days FD, general citizens are getting the benefit of 7.25 percent interest rate and senior citizens are getting 7.75 percent interest rate. You can invest in this FD till 31 December 2024.
- Indian Bank Special FD Scheme
Indian Bank is also offering a special FD scheme of 400 days to its customers. Under this scheme, an interest rate of 7.25 per cent is offered to general customers, 7.75 per cent to senior citizens and 8.00 per cent to super senior citizens. If you want to avail this special Indian Bank FD, you have till 31 December 2024.