Tractor Loan Yojana 2023 | Tractor Loan Scheme 2023 : Various schemes are run by Gujarat Adijati Vikas Nigam. This corporation was established for the welfare of foresters. Which loan schemes are given to tribal citizens living in forest areas of Gujarat or anywhere in the state to become self-reliant.
Through this article we will get detailed information about loan on tractors provided by NSTFDC to Scheduled Caste citizens. We will get information about how to apply for tractor loan, where-where documents are required for it.
Tractor Loan Assistance Scheme
Tractor loan will be given by National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation. This loan scheme is provided to tribal citizens. ST caste citizens are provided by Adijati Nigam Gujarat to get tractors required for farming. The purpose of this scheme, how much rupees to get a loan, how much interest rate to be paid etc. will be obtained through this article.
Tractor Loan Assistance Scheme- Highlights
Name of Scheme : Tractor Loan Assistance Scheme
Objective of the scheme: Loan assistance to Scheduled Tribe farmers for the purpose of financial assistance in purchase of implements i.e. tractors.
Beneficiary: Scheduled Tribe people of Gujarat
Loan amount: Under this scheme, farmers will get a loan of 6 lakhs to buy a tractor
Interest Rate on Loan : Only 6% interest rate will be given on the loan.
Official Site :
Eligibility and eligibility to avail the scheme
Loans are provided by Adijati Vikas Vibhag Gujarat under Tractor Scheme. Eligibility and eligibility are pre-determined for disbursement of this loan.
The applicant should be a citizen of Gujarat originally
Applicant should belong to tribal
Applicant must possess valid driving license
Annual family income of the beneficiary should not exceed Rs.120000/- and Rs.150000/- for urban area.
Online application has to be made for the benefit of this scheme
Credit available under Tractor Loan Scheme
Schedule Tribal people are given by Tribal Development Department Gujarat. A total loan of up to Rs.6,00,000/- is given under this scheme. In which the beneficiary has to contribute 5% of the total loan amount
Interest rate of loan availed for this scheme
Scheduled Tribes are given loans by Adijati Nigam. On which you will get a loan with an interest rate of 6% per annum.
The loan taken by the beneficiary has to be repaid in 20 quarterly installments with interest
In case of delay in repayment of the loan obtained by the beneficiary, an additional 2.50% penal interest will have to be paid.
Supporting evidence required to avail the scheme
Adijati Nigam has laid down policies for students to take loans for study abroad. Some of the documents prescribed for taking this loan scheme are as follows
Scheduled Caste Certificate of Gujarat (Example of Mamlatdarshri / Social Welfare Officer or Sakshma Adhikari)
Copy of Ration Card
Bank account passbook
Apply online application
Copy of Aadhaar Card
Proof of property submitted by the applicant (including 7/12 and 8-a of land or building document and property card which is recent and unencumbered
7/12 and 8-A of Jamindar-1 or document and property card of the building
7/12 and 8-A of Jamindar-2 or document and property card of the building
If the shop is owned/rented as a place of business, its details, if it is a rented shop, the rental agreement
Government approved valuer valuation report of property submitted by Guarantor-1
Government approved valuer valuation report of the property submitted by the Guarantor-2
The sureties paid Rs. 20/- affidavit on stamp paper
Prescribed Driving License
Government approved valuer valuation report of the property presented
Important link
official site | Click Here |
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