Education Loan for Study Abroad : Assistance of 15 lakh rupees to students for study abroad

Education Loan for Study Abroad : Assistance of 15 lakh rupees to students for study abroad

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Foreign Study Loan Assistance has been started by the Government of Gujarat to provide financial assistance to the students for studying abroad. Under this scheme, Videsh Abhyas Loan Sahay Yojana is given to the students who wish to study abroad as a simple interest.

Thus, the main purpose of starting foreign study loan assistance by the Gujarat government is that if the students of Gujarat want to study abroad, the Gujarat government should help them financially as simple interest and at a low interest rate. All of whose past we will discuss here.

Education Loan for Study Abroad

Gujarat Unreserved Educational and Economic Development Corporation (GUEEDC) in Gujarat works to provide assistance to unreserved classes. Unreserved Yojana is a site run by the Government of Gujarat.

The Unreserved Commission provides Gujarat Citizens Tuition Assistance Scheme (Coaching Assistance Scheme), Meal Bill Assistance Scheme, Training Assistance for Competitive Exams, Loans for Study Abroad, Coaching Assistance for JEE, GUJCET, NEET etc Exams.

Purpose of Foreign Studies

Unreserved Educational Loan Scheme: A scheme has been launched by the Government of Gujarat to help the students under the unreserved scheme in the state of Gujarat to get better and higher education abroad. The name is Academic Study Plan.

This scheme is run by Gujarat Unreserved Educational & Economical Development Corporation.

Eligibility for Study Abroad Scheme (Education loan Eligibility)
Students who want to avail the Study Abroad Loan Assistance must fulfill all the following eligibility requirements otherwise they are not eligible to avail the scheme.

Applicant must have passed class 12 with 60% from any Gujarati school.
The study which is approved by the council will be eligible for loan only in the study sequence.
The applying student should be in Gujarat and should fall under unreserved category.
Simple interest will be calculated according to the amount of loan that the applicant has to lend to them at four percent interest per annum.
Preference will be given to beneficiaries who are widows or orphans of the applicant.
Annual family income should be 600000 (six lakhs) or less for educational loan scheme.
If the applicant drops out midway or cannot obtain the degree within the stipulated period, all the loan assistance will be recovered at once and no interest assistance will be available.

Requirement Document for Foreign Study Assistance Scheme

Student Loan for Abroad Study: All the following documents are required for study abroad plan.

Application form of prescribed format
Unreserved Class Certificate
Copy of Aadhaar Card (Xerox)
Income Certificate
Admission Letter
Copy of Graduation Marksheet of Class 12 and beyond
10th And 12th Marksheet
Example of Leaving School (Living Certificate)
Copy of Passport (Passport xerox)
Copy of Visa (Visa Xerox)
Air Ticket
Proof of receipt of fees paid every year for academic studies
Copy of first page of applicant’s bank passbook (Passbook Xerox)
Mortgage / Encumbrance and 5 Bank Checks (5 Chaque)
Father/guardian consent letter to mortgage property (Property mortgage)
Property report with permission of Zamindari

Where to Apply for Study Abroad Loan (Apply Online)

In order to avail the educational loan scheme which runs as an unreserved loan, the person applying has to apply online before disbursement and upload the required documents.

First you have to open the website to apply for food bill assistance scheme which will appear as below. gueedc login

After that, you have to go to the scheme menu and click where you have written food bill assistance scheme or Food bill Scholarship.
After that click on Apply Now button.
If you have already registered on this website then you can login by entering your ID and password on the login button and if you are visiting this website for the first time then click on the registration (New User) button.
After clicking on the registration button enter your mobile number, email id and password. Retype the password you want to keep on Confirm password. And enter the number written in the picture next to the captcha into the captcha.
After the registration is completed, your desktop screen will look like the screenshot below.
After clicking on the button you have to upload all your documents information.
After uploading, the student’s signature and his photo will have to be uploaded. The size of the student’s signature and photo should be 15 kb or less. After this, the student’s photo and his signature will have to be clicked on Save photo and signature & upload document.
After that you have to upload your document by clicking on the Aadhaar card next to it, you can also upload your Aadhaar card in pdf format.
Then if you have uploaded the document then initiate it while applying

The details will appear which have to be checked correctly The details have to be correctly clicked on confirm application below that your application will be considered confirmed You will get the confirmation number of your application which you have to keep or keep in a safe place in your own way.

GUEEDC Office Address

The office of Gujarat Unreserved Educational and Economic Development Corporation of Gujarat is located in Gandhinagar. whose address is given below.

Address: Karmayogi Bhawan, Block No-2, D-2 Wing, 7th Floor, Gandhinagar

Bin Anamat Aayog Gandhinagar Contact Number (Helpline Number)
Bin Anamat Aayog Contact Number has been announced by Gujarat Government as below.

Phone Number: 079-23258688, 079-23258684

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