GSEB HSC Result 2023 Out, Gujarat Board 12th Arts & Commerce Result Check Online at

Welcome to our blog post dedicated to providing you with the latest updates on the GSEB HSC Result 2023. The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) recently announced the Gujarat Board Result 2023 for the Science Stream and is now gearing up to declare the results for the Arts and Commerce Streams.

As students eagerly await their results, we are here to keep you informed about the release date, the official website, and the process to check your GSEB HSC Result 2023. So, stay tuned to this blog post for detailed information about the result.

GSEB HSC Result 2023

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) in Gandhinagar will release on Last May 2023 for the class 12 Art and Commerce stream. Students who appeared for the Gujarat Board 12th Exam 2023 can check their results online by visiting the official portal. Additionally, they can also receive their results through SMS. Stay updated for the announcement of the Gujarat Board HSC Results.

GSEB HSC 12th Result 2023 Overview

Exam Conduct ByGujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board
Exam NameGSEB HSC Result 2023
GSEB Exam HeldMarch 14 to March 29, 2203
Science Result StatusOUT
Arts Result StatusTo Be Released
Commerce Result StatusTo Be Released
GSEB Commerce Arts Result 2023 DateLast Week May 2023
GSEB HSC Result 2023 (Science)May 2023 [last week]
Required to checkRoll Number or, Seat Number
Result MoodOnline
Passing Marks33%

GSEB HSC Commerce Result 2023

The GSEB HSC Commerce Result 2023 is expected to be released Before 30 May. Students who appeared for the Gujarat Board 12th Commerce Exams 2023 are eagerly waiting for their results. The official announcement regarding the release date will be made by the exam officials. Stay tuned for updates and a direct link to check the Gujarat 12th Result 2023 for commerce.

GSEB HSC Arts Result 2023

The GSEB HSC Commerce Result 2023 is scheduled to be released on Berfore 30 May. After the successful completion of the Gujarat Board 12th Commerce Exams 2023 in March, students are eagerly awaiting their results. The official announcement regarding the release date will be made prior to the result publication. Stay tuned for updates and access the direct link provided here to check your Gujarat 12th Result 2023 for commerce.

GSEB HSC Science Result 2023 (OUT)

The Gujarat Board Science Result has been announced by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Education Board (GSEB). Students who appeared for the Gujarat Board 12th Science Exams can now check their results. The GSEB declared the results on May 2, 2023, bringing an end to the anticipation. To access the Gujarat Board Science Result, students can visit the official website of GSEB and enter their roll number and other required details.

GSEB 12th Result 2023 Link

To check your GSEB Result 2023, you can visit the official website of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) at Once the results are released, you will be able to find a direct link to access your result on the website. Simply click on the provided link and enter your necessary details, such as your roll number and birthdate, to view and download your result.

Detail Mention on GSEB HSC Result 2023 MarkSheet

The GSEB HSC Result 2023 will include the following details:

  1. Student’s name
  2. Seat number
  3. Roll number
  4. Date of birth
  5. Subject-wise marks
  6. Total marks
  7. Grade
  8. Percentage
  9. Qualifying status
  10. Overall result
  11. Division
  12. School name
  13. Exam year

Gujarat Board 12th Commerce Arts Result 2023

Good news for students who took the Gujarat Board 12th Arts and Commerce Exams in 2023! The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Education Board (GSEB) will announce the results tomorrow, putting an end to the suspense. Earlier, the GSEB declared the results for the science stream on May 2, 2023.

To check their GSEB 12th Arts and Commerce Results 2023, students should visit once the results are out. They need to enter their roll number, birth date, and other details on the result website to view and download their results. This will give them a clear picture of their performance in the arts and commerce streams.

How to Check GSEB HSC Result 2023 Online

To check the Gujarat Board 12th Result online, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of GSEB.

Step 2: Look for the “Results” or “Examination” section on the GSEB Official website.

Step 3: Click on the link specifically related to the 12th Result.

Step 4: Enter your roll number and other required details in the provided fields.

Step 5: Double-check the entered information for accuracy.

Step 6: Click on the “Submit”.

Step 7: The result will be displayed in front of you.

Step 8: Take a moment to review your subject-wise marks and overall percentage.

Step 9: If needed, download or take a printout of the result for future reference.

Check GSEB HSC Result 2023 by WhatsApp

Follow the below instructions to access your GSEB Result 2023 through WhatsApp:

  1. Save the contact number 6357300971 as “GSEB Result” on your phone.
  2. Launch WhatsApp on your smartphone.
  3. Open the chat window for GSEB.
  4. Enter your board seat number in the chat.
  5. Tap the send button to submit your seat number.

Check GSEB HSC Result 2023 By SMS

Step 1: Open the SMS app.

Step 2: Create a new message.

Step 3: In the message body, type “GJ12S” followed by a space.

Step 4: Enter your seat number after the space.

Step 5: Send the message to the phone number 58888111.

Step 6: Wait for a response from the Gujarat Board.

Step 7: The board will send you a message containing your GSEB 12th Result.

Step 8: Review your result and check your subject-wise marks and overall percentage.

Step 9: If needed, save or take a screenshot of the result message for future reference.

GSEB 12th Science Result 2023 Statistic

The table displays key details for the GSEB 12th Science Result 2023, including students registered, appeared, passed, overall pass percentage, boys’ pass percentage, and girls’ pass percentage.

Girls Pass Percentage64.66%
Boys Pass Percentage66.32%
Overall Pass Percentage65.58%
Students Passed69,742
Students Appeared106,347
Students Registered107,663

Gujarat Board 12th Passing Marks

In order to qualify for the GSEB HSC exam, students need to score a minimum of 33%. Only those who achieve or exceed this passing mark are considered qualified and receive the passing certificate.

GSEB 12th Result Re-Evaluation

After the GSEB Board Class 12th Result 2023 is declared, students have the option to request a re-evaluation. If they think there was a mistake in the evaluation, they can apply to have their answer sheets reviewed. filling out a form and paying a fee. It gives students the chance to go over their performance and possibly improve their marks.

GSEB HSC Result 2023 Grading System

The grading system used in GSEB HSC exams. Each grade corresponds to a specific range of marks and has an associated grade value. For instance, students who score between 91 and 100 marks receive an A1 grade with a grade value of 10.

A191% Above
A281% Above
B175% Above
B262% Above
C151% Above
C245% Above
D33% Above

GSEB HSC 12th Compartment Exam 2023

The compartment exams for GSEB HSC (Class 12) are scheduled to be held in July. These exams provide an opportunity for students who did not pass one or more subjects in the regular board exams to improve their results. Students can appear for the compartment exams and have a chance to clear the subjects they couldn’t pass previously.

GSEB HSC Result 2023 Important Link

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