Google Pay App: In today’s time, everyone needs information about easy ways to earn money so that everyone can earn some money by working for a few hours. So today we are going to tell you about some such money earning methods. That too from Google PAY APP, in which online transaction, payment of shopping bill, payment of electricity bill, payment of gas cylinder, payment of water bill, mobile balance recharge including many works can be done from home, but at the same time you can earn money from them. So let’s know how to earn ₹ 500 to ₹ 1000 daily sitting at home through Google Pay App.
You can earn money from Google Pay App through two processes, these two methods are Google Pay App Referral and the other way is Google Pay App Cashback Offers. If you do not use the app, then let’s learn to earn money from these 2 ways of Google Pay app.
First Process Google Pay App Referral:
If you share Google Pay App with your link on Google Pay App to any other user or person, then you are given cashback of ₹ 101 or ₹ 201 as per offer by Google Pay App. This cashback is transferred to your account. But you get this cashback when that user or person downloads the Google Pay app from your gender and transacts money by creating your account, after some time you will get the cashback.
Second Process Google Pay App Cashback Offers:
In today’s time, all the work is done from mobile sitting at home like depositing electricity bill, depositing water bill, recharging DTH/ Cable TV, recharging mobile, recharging Broadband/ Landlin. Booking gas cylinders and doing online transactions, you are given cashback by Google Pay App for doing all these things, but along with them, Google Pay App makes more offers available to you, so that you can earn more money.