Khel Mahakumbh online registration process continues. Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 Registration

Nowadays digital services are increasing. Online portals are emerging everywhere. A few days ago Gujarat Gyan Guru Quiz was started by Hon’ble Chief Minister. Today again on 27/12/2023 Hon. Chief Minister will inaugurate Khel Mahakumbha 2023-24 from Transstadia, Kankaria, Ahmedabad.

“Sport” is a form of physical interaction. which players compete with each other in the game for entertainment and rewards. Sports increase physical fitness and mental strength. The Gujarat government tries to promote sports and for this the Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 scheme has been launched. In this article we will get detailed information about Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 Registration.

Table of Contents

Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 is a great meaningful and exciting sports competition for the citizens of Gujarat. Citizens of every village, taluk, and district can participate in this competition. The competition includes 29 different sports and will also be awarded a prize of 30 crores. This competition also has a special Khel Mahakumbha for disabled players. This other resolution can fulfill the phrase “Ramshe Gujarat…Jitshe Gujarat”.

Highlight Point of Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 Registration

આર્ટિકલનું નામKhel Mahakumbh 2023-24
આર્ટિકલની ભાષાગુજરાતી અને અંગ્રેજી
ખેલ મહાકુંભનો ઉદ્દેશગુજરાતના ખેલાડીઓને રમત-ગમતમાં પ્રોત્સાહન મળે અને વધુમાં વધુ ખેલાડીઓ ભાગ લઈને રાજ્ય રમતક્ષેત્રે ગૌરવ અપાવે
વિભાગSports, Youth & Cultural Activities Department, Gujarat
કુલ રમતોની સંખ્યા29 થી વધારે
Khel Mahakumbh Registration Starting Date27 ડિસેમ્બર 2023
Sports, Youth & Cultural Activities Department Official WebsiteClick Here
Khel Maha Kumbh Official Websiteખેલ મહાકુંભ ઓફિશિયલ વેબસાઈટ
When will Khel Mahakumbh 2.0 Bhano launch?
Slogan created under Khel Mahakumbh 2.0. In which Gujarat will play, Gujarat will win. This sports festival will be inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister on 27/12/2023 at 07.00 PM. It will be launched from Transstadia, Kankaria, Ahmedabad.

Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 Game List
Department of Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities is functioning under Sports Authority of Gujarat. Khel Mahakumbha is organized by these departments. In which the list of games (Game List) has been announced in advance. Which are as follows.

  • આર્ચરી (Archery)
  • એથ્લેલટીકસ (Athletics)
  • બાસ્કેટબોલ (Basketball)
  • બેડમિન્ટન (Badminton)
  • ટેબલ ટેનીસ (Table Tennis)
  • ટેકવેન્ડોસ(Taekwondo)
  • યોગાસન (Yogasan)
  • આર્ટીસ્ટીસક સ્કેટટીંગ (Artistic Skating)
  • હેન્ડબોલ (Handball)
  • હોકી (Hockey)
  • વોલીબોલ (Volleyball)
  • કુસ્તી (Wrestling)
  • વેઇટ લીફ્ટીંગ (Weight Lifting)
  • ખો-ખો (Kho-kho)
  • શૂટીંગ બોલ (Shooting Ball)
  • સ્વીમીંગ (Swimming)
  • સ્કેટીંગ (Skating)
  • શૂટીંગ (Shooting)
  • સાઇકલીંગ (Cycling)
  • ફૂટબોલ (Football)
  • ચેસ (Chess)
  • જૂડો (Judo)
  • કબડ્ડી (Kabaddi)
  • ટેનીસ (Lawn Tennis)
  • રસસો ખેંચ (Tug of War)
  • જીમ્નાસ્ટીક (Gymnastics)
  • મલખામ્બ (Malkham)
  • કરાટે (Karate)
  • બોક્સિંગ (Boxing)

Khel Maha Kumbh Quick Link
Online registration of various sports can be done in Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24. Individual registration, school-college registration and team registration have to be done in different ways. So different links are created for each operation. Which are as follows.

Quick Links for KMK

1School / College Registration
2School / College Login
3Team Registration
4Individual Registration
5DSO / Senior Coach Login
6Generate Receipt from KMK ID
Khel Mahakumbh Age Limit. Khel Mahakumbh Age Limit
Players participating in Khel Mahakumbh will be played according to different age. Details of Khel Mahakumbh Age Group are as follows.
Athletes born on and after 01/01/2012 can participate in Under 11 Age Group.
Players born after 01/01/2009 can participate in Under 14 Age Group.
Athletes born after 01/01/2006 can participate in Under 17 Age Group.
Players from 17 years to 45 years in Open Age Group can participate in Khel Mahakumbha. In which the player should be born between 01/01/1978 to 31/12/2006.

Documents and Matters Required for Khel Mahakumbh Online Registration
Online registration is required to participate in Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24. For which it is very important for the sportsperson to have the following things.

 ● Copy of Aadhaar Card (Download Aadhar Card)

 ● Mobile number

 ● Bank account passbook

 ● Coach's name, address and mobile number

 ● Under-11, Under-14 and Under-17 players are required to register from the school to participate in the competitions.

 ● Open Age Group and non-studying players can register themselves or from any school/college.

 ● After registration by player in Khel Mahakumbh I.D. And the password information will be received on the mobile via SMS or e-mail.

Guaranteed for players participating in Khel Mahakumbh
Players participating in the Khel Mahakumbh have to take their personal responsibility to participate. In addition players have to guarantee the time before applying online. Which are as follows.

In case of any physical harm during the competition in Khel Mahakumbh, it will be the responsibility of me and my guardian. Organizer will not have any responsibility.
I will do the registration in Khel Mahakumbh from all over the state only from one place. Otherwise my registration will be considered void.
As a player, I undertake to attend the competition venue at my own expense and risk if I am selected as the winner in Khel Mahakumbh.
Marking in the event given on the back page for individual sport sub-events.
Filling of Form-A for individual sports and Form-A and Form-B for relational sports is mandatory.
Form-B has to be filled for table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton doubles and mixed doubles.
The players participating in the district/state level competition have to submit the document before 7 days before the start of the competition.
Players have to submit these documents to their district sports officer along with their name and list of sports, birth proof.
The guidelines of the government from time to time regarding Kovid-19 have to be followed strictly.

Khel Mahakumbh Helpline Number. Helpline number
Gujarat players can contact toll free number if they have any problem or query during online registration in Khel Mahakumbh 2023. For which Khel Mahakumbh Helpline Number has been announced by Sports Department. Which are as follows.

Khel Mahakumbh Toll Free Number :- 18002746151

Sports Authority of Gujarat Address :- Sports Authority of Gujarat, Block No. 14, 3rd Floor, Dr. Jivaraj Mehta Bhawan Sector-10, Gandhinagar

Khel MahaKumbh Official Website. Official website of Khel Mahakumbh
Online registration facility has been created for players to participate in Khel Mahakumbh. Official website of Khel Mahakumbh has been released by Gujarat government. Players can register for free from

How to Online Registration Khel Mahakumbh 2023-24 Gujarat | How to register online in Khel Mahakumbh?
Sports interested players, school/college students of Gujarat can register online to avail Khel Mahakumbh. One can register online from the Khel MahaKumbh Gujarat website. Following is the step by step information on how to do online registration at home.

First you have to type in google.
Official website of Sports Authority of Gujarat will open.
In which “Khel Mahakumbh – Login/Registration” will be given on the right side of the home page.
Image Credit - Government Official Website (Khel Mahakumbh Gujarat)
If you have made the website in English screen then click on “KMK-Login/Register”.
In which you can apply online for school/college registration, team registration and individual registration.
Now if you want to click on Individual Registration.
The online application form will open.
Image Credit - Government Official Website (Khel Mahakumbh Gujarat)
In which the name, father's name, name of the game, name of the sub-game etc. have to be filled in the details of the player.
After that, the name, surname and mobile number information has to be filled in the details of the guardian.
Now the player's bank details have to be filled online.
After that the name, address and mobile number of the coach have to be filled in other details.
After reading the agreement, the player has to tick “I accept” and click on “Submit”.

Khel Mahakumbha form
Players participating in Khel Mahakumbh 2023 have to register online. And Form-A for individual sport and khel mahakumbh Form-A and Form-B for team sport.
1. How many sports are included in Khel Mahakumbh?
Ans. Gujarat Khel Mahakumbh includes an estimated total of 29 sports. (According to the data included in the official Twitter account of the government)

2. Which is the official website for Registration in Khel Maha Kumbh 2023-24?
Ans. Players have to register online at to participate in Khel Mahakumbh.

3. Is there any plan for disabled athletes in Khel Mahakumbh of Gujarat Govt.?
Ans. A special Khelmahakumbh has been organized by the sports department for disabled players.

4. What is the total amount of prizes to be kept in Khel Mahakumbh?
Ans. The award is given with the aim of encouraging more players to join the field of sports. A total of over 30 crores worth of prizes are involved.

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