Now loan will be available on bad credit score in just 2 minutes
Now you will get loan on bad credit score in just 2 minutes, apply like this – When we go to the bank to take a loan, your credit score is checked there and if you see the other way, then it is given by a private organization. Loans that depend on our credit score, but we have brought another app for you, which does the work of giving loans online, its name is.
NBFC LOAN APP, which works to give you online loan without seeing the score, it works to give loan to customers only under kyc, this loan starts from 500, but because of being curated from them, this loan is very expensive, so you Take a loan after thinking beforehand
loan eligibility
Must be an Indian citizen
Must have some source of income
Your age should be between 21 to 59
mobile number
Must have a savings account
You must have the facility of BAD CREDIT CARD LOAN
Know which documents will be required
pan card
Aadhar card
selfie from app
need aadhaar otp