PM Awas Yojna 2023 : Government will provide assistance in building houses under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna 2023

A major announcement has been made in the Union Budget 2023 regarding the Union Government’s ambitious scheme Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PM Awas Yojana). Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced more than ever budget in the budget to make the dream of a house come true. Now more people will be benefited under this scheme. Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna In Gujarati, houses will be built for rural people and under urban housing for city citizens.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gujarat 2023-24

Who can benefit from Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 2023?

Prime Minister Awas Yojana has been launched by the Narendra Modi government with the aim of providing ready-made houses to all by the year 2023. The scheme is designed for people living in both urban and rural areas. It helps low-income people to build their own houses in villages. Also, interest rates are subsidized on home loans. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Mission was launched on 25th June 2015 with the aim of making housing available to all by the year 2023. People with an annual income of less than 3 lakhs who do not own a house can apply for this scheme.

2.50 lakh assistance is provided in this scheme of the government. In which 3 installments of Rs. The first installment is Rs 50,000, then Rs 1.50 lakh and finally Rs 50,000. 1 lakh state government and 1.50 lakh central government gives out of this total rupees.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Eligibility

The owner of the land should be the applicant himself.
No member of the applicant’s family should own a permanent house in India.
Annual Family Income Rs. Should not exceed 3,00,000/-.
Applicant should not have benefited under any other component of PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) or any other scheme of Government of India.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana where to see the document

Proof of Land Ownership (Copy of Paka Document/CT Survey Property Card/Copy of 7-12)
Income copy of Mamlatdarshri/Talati showing the annual income of the beneficiary’s family (income limit below 3 lakhs)
Affidavit on stamp paper of Rs.50 that no member of the beneficiary’s family owns a fixed house across India.
Copy of Aadhaar Card (of all family members)
Copy of election card
Bank passbook or canceled cheque
A photograph of the residence with the beneficiary
Passport size photograph of the beneficiary

Consent letter on stamp paper of Rs.50 giving consent for non-objection to benefit beneficiary by other owners of Namin in case of joint ownership.

Where to Apply Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

People of the Municipal Corporation area should contact the Slum Upgradation Office of the Municipal Corporation.
People of district or municipal area should contact the local municipality or district panchayat office.
People living in rural areas should contact the Gram Panchayat office.
How to View PM Awas Yojana 2023 Beneficiary List
When you apply for PMAY, you can then check whether you are in the list of beneficiaries of this scheme or not. To see the name in the PMAY list, you have to first visit the website
After this keep mouse on Beneficiary there you will see search by name.
Click on search by name and after opening the page you need to enter your Aadhaar card number and click on show.
After this you will be able to see whether you are a beneficiary or not. All information will be available in front of you.

Useful links

Official Site : Click here
Homepage : Click here

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