Ration Card Check : Check whether your name is in the new BPL list or not, this way

Ration Card Check

BPL List Gujarat 2021 @ses2002.guj.nic.in Below poverty line is an economic measure used by the Government of India to indicate economic disadvantage and identify individuals and families in need of government assistance and support. It is determined using various parameters that vary from state to state and within states.

Ration Card Check (BPL List)

BPL list is prepared on the basis of income and family status of the people in the census conducted in the country. This BPL list has been issued state wise by the central government on the online portal.

Interested beneficiaries who want to see their name in the BPL list, can visit the official website and check it online and the central government-run Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural), PM Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), PM Sahaj Dildhi Har Ghar . Scheme (Saubhaya). ) or any other social welfare schemes (may create other social welfare schemes).

The name of the scheme is BPL. List (BPL new list)
Ministry Govt of India
Beneficiary families falling below Rs 1.8 lakh per annum
(Families falling below poverty line)
Purpose To provide the facility of viewing names in the list through the official website.
Official Website https://nrega.nic.in/

Why was this new BPL list prepared?

Beneficiaries for social welfare schemes under this scheme are selected on the basis of BPL families falling below poverty line in the state/country. Only the families coming below the poverty line in the country have been kept in the BPL category. Currently, the central government is selecting the beneficiaries from the list of BPL families in the SECC 2011 data to provide the benefit of the government scheme.

Families coming below the poverty line of any state of the country want to see their name in the new BPL list, so no need to tell them, now they can easily see their name by visiting the online portal through internet at home.

Eligibility for availing this card

The main criteria for getting a BPL card is if a person earns less than Rs 6,400/- in rural areas and less than Rs 11,850/- in urban areas per month. A person having income limit above this income limit is not eligible to hold a BPL card.

Benefits available to new BPL listees

The people whose names will appear in this BPL new list will be given the benefit of many government schemes by the government.
People coming below the poverty line of the country can easily check their name in the BPL list through the official website at home.
People coming below poverty line will also get additional help in government work. By which their children can get employment as well as scholarship.
The first benefit of being named in the BPL new list will be that people coming below the poverty line will get subsidized rates and ration at depots, including wheat, rice, pulses and oil etc.
Citizens with BPL card get some concessions in health, education, government schemes.
The farmer of the country will get the benefit of being a BPL holder. This will reduce the loan interest to farmers.

How to check name key in BPL list?

Interested beneficiaries of the country who want to see their name in the new BPL list, follow the steps below. You can check your name in this BPL list based on two methods.

Step 1:- Go to the official web portal.
Step 2:- Select your district name
Step 3:- Select State, District, Sub-District, Block Village etc.
Step 4:- Enter the score range from 1 to 52
Step 5:- Now click on submit button.
Step 6:- Now you can check the BPL list of your village.

Important links

Official Portal :Click Here
Home Page : Click Here

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