Solar Rooftop Scheme 2023 |

Solar Rooftop Scheme 2023 |

Nowadays the use of electricity is increasing everywhere. And coal is used to make electric CT and when electric CT is made from coal it causes a lot of pollution. And there are also harmful to the environment. So while Gujarat government or state government takes solar rooftop scheme, solar plate is given to them by Gujarat government to generate electricity from sun rays.

While electricity is generated from coal. Then carbon dioxide (CO2) and many other toxic gases are produced in the atmosphere which are harmful to human health and damage the ozone layer on earth.

If we want to protect our health and the environment, scientists are looking for alternatives, such as the main source of energy for the environment is solar energy, and we are generating electricity from the waves of the sea, which is not harmful to the environment. Thus, natural energy source as an energy source provided by nature does not cause any harm to the environment or human being, so we should use this natural energy source to produce continuous energy.

So Gujarat Solar Rooftop Yojana has been started by Gujarat Government keeping us in mind.

Solar Rooftop Scheme 2023.

 Scheme NameSolar Rooftop Yojana 2022
Implemented by whomMinistry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) Government of India
BeneficiariesCitizens of India
Subsidy receivable20% to 40% eligible
Lifespan of solar panelUp to 20 years
Online registration linkClick Here01
Official websiteClick Here02

Subsidy of Solar Rooftop Scheme

The subsidy provided by the Government of India for Solar Roof Top Scheme is given below as per aa

sequenceTotal capacitySubsidy on total price
1Up to 3kv40%
23Kv to 10kv20%
3More than 10KvSubsidy will not be available

Solar Rooftop Calculator

Solar Rooftop Scheme 2023 : Solar Roof Top Scheme launched by the Government of India if you want to avail the scheme then the scheme calculator has been launched by the Government of India.

Benefits of Solar Rooftop Scheme

The benefits of the scheme launched by the Government of India are as follows:

  • Anyone availing this solar roof top scheme in India gets the return of the scheme within five years. And taking advantage of this can save you a lot of money from paying electricity bills every month.
  • In India, the consumption of electricity at home is given at 2.50 rupees per unit and finally television rupees are deposited in each bank account.
  • Under this scheme launched by the Government of India, the company provides a maintenance guarantee of up to five years.

Solar Rooftop Yojana online Application

Solar Rooftop Scheme 2023 : If you have applied for Solar Roof Top Scheme and want to check the application status of that application then click on the below given button then add the application number and you will be able to see the application status of your application.

Solar Rooftop Yojana Helpline Number

The help line number of Solar Roof Top Scheme is given below.

Helpline Number:- 1800-180-3333 

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