Term Loan Scheme Gujarat | Term Loan (Term Loan) Scheme

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Purpose of this scheme

Loans up to a maximum of Rs.2,00,000/- are given for agriculture and related activities, small scale industries, handicrafts and heritage businesses as well as service type businesses/businesses.

Eligibility required to avail loan

Applicant should be nomadic or freed caste.
With effect from 1/4/2018 the annual family income limit for income eligibility is Rs. 3 lakhs, of which Rs. At least 50 percent of the total loan amount will be allocated for families with an annual income of up to ₹1.50 lakh.
Applicant’s age should be at least 21 years and not more than 50 years on the date of application.
Applicant must have experience in business/business case with technical and expertise.
The applicant has to provide adequate security to get the loan.

Salient features of the scheme

The maximum loan amount under this scheme is Rs. 2,00,000/- upto.
The rate of interest in this scheme will be 6% per annum
Under this scheme, 95% loan will be given of business/ business amount. While the beneficiary has to pay 5% of his beneficiary contribution.
The loan amount has to be repaid in 60 equal monthly installments with interest.

Official Website : https://sje.gujarat.gov.in/

Online Loan Application

Click here to apply online in this scheme.

Supporting evidence to be uploaded by applicants while applying online
Micro Credit Yojana, Mahila Samriddhi, Term Loan, New Gold Yojana (for women only) supporting evidence as follows:

(1) Example of caste
(2) Income certificate of competent authority
(3) School Leaving Certificate (School Living Certificate)
(4) Birth certificate in case of illiterate applicant or age certificate obtained by authorized Medical Officer of Government Hospital
(5) Aadhaar Card (Front and Back)
(6) Proof of Residence (Electoral Card / Light Bill)
(7) Ration Card (Front, Back)
(8) Certificate of experience/training (optional)
(9) Certificate if the applicant is a BPL beneficiary, disabled, widow (optional)
(10) Example of milk co-operative society (only for animal husbandry business)
(11) Quotation / price list
(12) Copy of first page of passbook showing details of name, address, account number and IFSC number or copy of canceled cheque.
(13) Additional documents (optional)

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