Aadhaar Card Loan : Need money suddenly, get instant loan with the help of Aadhaar, know what is the easy way to apply

Aadhaar Card Loan Tips: Ever since the Aadhaar card scheme was introduced in 2018, UIDAI has continuously issued Aadhaar cards to almost the entire adult population of the country. You can do all important documents through Aadhaar card. From school admission to college admission, from property buying tips to travel, Aadhaar card is used as an ID proof everywhere.

Sometimes we need money suddenly. In such cases, a personal loan is a very easy way through which you can manage money easily. It is worth mentioning that you can easily apply for a personal loan with the help of Aadhaar. There are many banks like State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank etc. which provide easy loans to their customers on Aadhaar card.

Credit score should be better

Check your credit score well before taking any personal loan. If a customer has a credit score above 750, he can easily get a loan.

Banks also charge lower interest rates in such cases. Nowadays, most of the big banks and finance companies give personal loan approval easily after KYC. So let’s know how to apply for personal loan through Aadhaar Card-

How to Apply for Personal Loan with Aadhaar Card-

Click on the official website of the bank to apply for the loan.
You can also apply for personal loan (Personal Loan Apply) on the bank’s mobile app.

  • Then you will get an OTP on your mobile number which you can enter here.
  • Then choose Personal Loan option.
  • Next fill the loan amount.
  • Then fill all your required information.
  • Here you fill your date of birth (Date of Birth), address (Address) and other information.
  • Then upload copies of required documents like Aadhaar and PAN.
  • Finally enter your Aadhaar number and then the bank will cross verify your details.
  • Then your loan will be approved.

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