Aadhar Card Child
How to make children’s base?
Home Aadhar Card How to make children’s base?
Aadhar Card Child : The Aadhaar issuing authority, UIDAI also issues Aadhaar Card for Children which is known as Baal Aadhaar. Even new born babies are eligible for Aadhaar card. So many hospitals have started registering babies for Aadhaar and they also provide Aadhaar enrollment slip along with the birth certificate these days. In this article, all the information related to Aadhaar of children has been given.
Aadhar Card Child: Now get children’s Aadhaar card made like this online for free 2023
Aadhar Card Child has become the most important and reliable proof of identity and address for Indian residents. It not only contains your information but also your biometric data. The Aadhaar issuing authority, UIDAI has made provision for all residents living in India to generate Aadhaar, irrespective of their age. In many hospitals, even newborn babies are enrolled for Aadhaar. Also they provide the Aadhaar Acknowledgment Slip along with the Birth Certificate of the child.
How can I get Aadhar card for my child online?
Aadhar Card Child : Visit Unique Identification Authority of India’s (UIDAI) website and go to the Aadhaar card registration link. Procure the required form. Put in basic data like the kid’s name, parent’s phone number and e-mail id, etc. Be certain to submit your available number and valid e-mail id.
How can I get 2 year Aadhar card for my child?
Aadhar Card Child : For children below 5 years no biometrics will be captured. Their UID be processed on the basis of demographic information and facial photograph linked with the UID of their parents. These children will need to update their biometrics of ten fingers, iris and facial photograph, when they turn 5 and 15.
How can I get my Aadhar card free?
“Aadhaar PVC Card” request can be raised by visiting the UIDAI Official Website or Resident Portal (http://www.uidai.gov.in or https://resident.uidai.gov.in) using 12 digits Aadhaar Number (UID) or 16 digits Virtual Identification Number (VID) or 28 digits Enrollment ID.
How many days child Aadhar card will come?
Aadhaar generation may take up to 90 days. Aadhaar letter is delivered by ordinary post at the registered address of the resident in aadhaar database. Once Aadhaar is generated, you also get a sms on registered mobile (if mobile number provided during enrolment).
Aadhar card for children below 5 years
Before parents make Aadhaar card for their children, they should read some of the main features of Aadhaar Card for children below 5 years:
- Aadhaar card can be made for all children below the age of 5 years.
- No biometric of the child is taken for this
- Only the photograph of the child will be taken for Aadhaar
- It is mandatory for one of the parents to provide Aadhaar
- If both the parents do not have Aadhaar, then they have to get their Aadhaar first
- Once the child turns five, he/she has to provide biometric data of fingerprints and iris scan, photograph is also taken during the process
- The same process should be repeated when the child attains the age of 15 years.
Aadhaar card for children between the ages of 5 to 15 years
Aadhaar Card for children 5 and 15 years is issued in the same way as for adults. UIDAI has not differentiated Aadhaar for children and adults. Following are some of the salient features of Aadhaar for children in the age group of 5 to 15 years:
- Its process is similar to that of adults
- The only difference is in the required documents to be given
- Child has to update biometric data (all 10 fingerprints, iris scan and photograph) on attaining the age of 15 years
- Birth certificate to be provided in all cases
- In case of biometric mismatch in future, the biometric data can be updated again at later stages of life.
How to apply for Aadhaar for children below 5 years?
The enrollment process for children below 5 years of age for Aadhaar is slightly different from that of adults. Here’s how to apply for Aadhaar card for children below 5 years:
Step 1 : Visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Center (You can find the nearest enrollment center online itself)
Step 2: Fill the Aadhaar enrollment form and enter your Aadhaar number
Step 3: For Aadhaar of a child below 5 years of age, one of the parents has to give his/her Aadhaar details
Step 4: Your child’s picture will be taken
Step 5: Address and other biometric data will be captured from the parent’s Aadhaar
Step 6: Submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate
Step 7: Aadhaar Executive Enrollment Slip will be given to you
Step 8: Enrollment no can be used to know the status of Aadhaar card.
Note: Fingerprint and iris scan is not done for children below 5 years of age. Also, you will get your child’s Aadhaar within 90 days.
Apply aadhaar card for child above 5 years of age
Below is the procedure to make Aadhaar card for children from 5 years to 15 years:
Step 1: Visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Center to apply for Aadhaar for your child
Step 2: Fill the Aadhaar Enrollment Form
Step 3: If you do not have a valid address proof of your child, enter your Aadhaar number and details in the form
Step 4: Submit the form along with relevant documents to the executive
Step 5: Executive will capture your child’s biometrics (fingerprint, iris scan and photograph)
Step 6: After the process is completed, an acknowledgment slip is generated
Step 7: The Acknowledgment Slip contains the Enrollment ID which includes the Enrollment No. and the time and date of enrollment
Step 8: Enrollment ID can be used to know the status of Aadhaar car
Documents required for making Aadhaar card for children
Applicants have to submit separate documents for Aadhaar enrollment of children below 5 years of age and children between 5 to 15 years of age. Below is the list for both the categories:
Documents to be provided along with Aadhaar enrollment form for children below 5 years:
- Original Birth Certificate of the child
- Aadhar card of either of the parents
- Original copy of both the documents will also have to be given for verification.
Documents to be provided for children in the age group of 5 to 15 years:
- Birth certificate of the child and any one of the following as proof of identity
- school ID card
- Bonafide certificate on the letterhead of the institution
- Aadhar card of parents
- Identity card issued by the Gazetted Officer / Tehsildar for the child on its letterhead bearing the photograph of the child
Any one of the following has to be submitted as proof of address:
- Aadhar card of parents
- Address Certificate issued by Member of Parliament or MLA/Gazetted Officer/Tehsildar on letterhead having photograph of the child
- Address Certificate issued by Gram Panchayat Pramukh or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
Fees and charges for Aadhaar card of children
- No fee is charged from the applicant for Aadhaar for Children
- The cost of Aadhaar enrollment is borne by the government
- No fee is charged from the child when the child goes for biometric update after attaining the age of 5 or 15 years
- However, whenever any biometric is to be updated during this period, the applicant has to pay Rs.30. have to pay a fee of
- If the applicant wants to update his biometric data in Aadhaar in future, he has to pay Rs.30. have to pay a fee of
Parents of children can register their mobile number with their child’s Aadhaar card and use the Aadhaar app to carry their child’s Aadhaar card on their smartphones. MAadhaar app is designed to link up to 3 Aadhaar cards. A person can manage his/her child’s Aadhaar card in mAadhaar app. The child’s Aadhaar card can be accessed anytime and anywhere and can be used as a proof of identity or address. This facility can be accessed by parents of children below the age of 5 years as well as children between the age of 5 to 15 years.
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