PM Svanidhi Yojana Loan : Now even if you have zero balance in your account, the government will give 50 thousand rupees, apply for this scheme

Now it is not difficult to do business without money. Gone are the days when people had to accumulate huge sums of money to do business. Yes, if you have an idea and are willing to work hard, the government is ready to give you a loan of up to Rs 50,000.

Under this scheme, the poor sections of the country are taken care of. Many people have to take expensive loans from the market. The interest of which is very expensive. In such a situation, you can apply for this scheme.

In this way you will get 50 thousand rupees

If you are short of money and want to start a business, you don’t need to take loans from people at high interest rates because the government is now giving loans of up to 50,000 rupees to the poor without any collateral. The name of this scheme is PM Swanidhi scheme. Yes, now you can take a loan of 50 thousand rupees under this scheme.

Under this scheme, you will be given a loan of Rs 10,000 first. When you repay this loan, you can apply for 20 thousand rupees. The bank will give you a loan of 20 thousand rupees.

When you deposit this loan of 20 thousand rupees, you will be eligible to take a loan of 50 thousand rupees. After this, in the third step, the bank will give you a loan of 50 thousand rupees. For this you need to have some important documents.

Keep these things in mind

If you want to take loan under this scheme, your mobile number should be linked with Aadhaar. Under this scheme you have to take a loan of Rs 10,000 first and then Rs 20,000. Only after that you will be given a loan of 50 thousand rupees

Get a loan without guarantee

Under this scheme, business people are given a loan of Rs 10,000 for a year. In this, the bank does not deposit any guarantee from you. In this loan you have to pay monthly EMI.

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